Healthpoint, DFB to pay Wis. nearly $900,000

Wisconsin to receive nearly $900,000 from Healthpoint, DFB in drug case settlement

MADISON, Wis. (AP) -- Wisconsin will receive almost $900,000 under a settlement with Texas-based Healthpoint Ltd. and DFB Pharmaceuticals.

Wisconsin Attorney General J.B. Van Hollen said Tuesday the settlement resolves allegations that Healthpoint caused false claims to be submitted to Wisconsin's Medicaid program for an unapproved drug.

In December, the U.S. Justice Department announced Healthpoint and DFB Pharmaceuticals will pay up to $48 million to settle allegations that Healthpoint marketed a prescription skin ointment without approval from federal regulators.

The Justice Department said Healthpoint caused false claims for reimbursement to be submitted to Medicare and Medicaid for Xenaderm, used for treating nursing home patients' bed sores. Fort Worth, Texas-based Healthpoint is one of DFB's operating companies.

Wisconsin was among 15 states that worked with the Justice Department on the investigation.