Callers bombard Lacey Equity Commission with hate speech during Monday meeting

The Lacey Equity Commission was subjected to racist and anti-semitic language during the public comment portion of its meeting Monday night at Lacey City Hall.

The commission heard from four speakers before finally cutting off a woman who started to say something similar.

“It’s appalling to me that we have to be subjected to that racism and anti-semitism,” said Commissioner Thelma Jackson, adding that the equity commission is working to create an inclusive community that celebrates diversity. “You have a right to call in, but we have a right to cut off the language being used.”

Not only did Jackson respond, but so did the city, which issued a news release Tuesday morning that said hate speech will not be tolerated.

“The city will not tolerate discrimination or harassment of any kind, including but not limited to discrimination based on race, ethnicity, creed, color, national origin, age, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, veterans’ status, marital status, genetic information, or the presence of any sensory, mental, or physical disability,” the news release reads.

The equity commission gathered about 5:30 p.m. Monday. Soon after, they heard public comment from what sounded like four male callers, including the following:

”We need to take care of our people before we go and worry about a bunch of beaners hopping over the border.”

”’Diversity’ means fewer white people, ‘inclusion’ means exclusion of white people, ‘equity’ means stealing from white people.” That person went on to say that Jews were responsible for slavery in the United States, and that if people are interested in reparations for slavery, they should look to the ‘hook-nosed, rat-like creature for reparations.’”

“Why don’t we see Africans go back to their ethno-states in Africa?” one caller asked.

Assistant City Manager Shannon Kelley-Fong, who works with the equity commission, said Tuesday the city is going to review its processes and procedures going forward and will work to “minimize opportunities to the extent that we can.”

“While the city supports the public’s First Amendment rights, it does not tolerate hate and resolutely condemns these comments,” city officials said in a news release. “Those who attempt to abuse the city’s public forum in the future should be on notice that hateful speech or behavior will be swiftly condemned.”

The Lacey Equity Commission is not the first local government body to be bombarded with hate speech.

Tacoma, Lakewood and Buckley city councils have all been prey for the callers as well as the Pierce County Council. It’s part of a trend that’s affecting other public meetings across the United States, The News Tribune reported in December.