Harry Styles Has Cut Off All His Hair But Try Not To Panic

The 6th May 2016 will probably go down as a watershed moment in the history of mankind, for it was the day that shaggy-haired sex-monster Harry Styles cut all his hair off.

Now, as we all know, Harry’s hair – much like Samson off of The Bible – is the source of all his powers and strength, and a jumbo-sized bottle of L'Oreal Elvive is his patronus, so God knows what’s going to happen to him now he’s gone and got rid.

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The One Direction singer posted a snap revealing the change on Instagram yesterday - simply captioned ‘Whoops’ in his traditionally chatty style.

Sadly, we didn’t get to see what his new scalped 'do looks like – all you actually get to see is the shaved-off lock of his hair, that borderline resembles an otter stuck halfway down a drainpipe.

But anyway – that’s not what’s important here. Hazza also went ahead and tagged the Little Princess Trust in the post – leading many to speculate that he’d donated his shorn-off locks to the charity, which provides real-hair wigs to children who are suffering hair loss due to cancer treatment.

Seriously, try and be a little bit more perfect why don’t you Harry?

The Mirror reported earlier this year that Harry’s burgeoning movie career could force his to tackle his sex-mane. He’s set to star in the what-will-most-likely-be-critically-acclaimed film 'Dunkirk’ alongside Tom Hardy, which tells the story of the famous World War Two military evacuation.

And not that we’re historical experts or anything, but we doubt Harry’s tousled locks would’ve been standard issue army haircut in 1940.