Here’s what happens when a flamethrower does battle with a firehose

You know those classic Marvel crossover specials where they pit Iceman of the X-Men against the Fantastic Four’s Human Torch in? Well, YouTube channel Crash Zone has given us the next best thing by posting a video that shows us what happens when you pit a flamethrower against a firehose and it’s not to be missed.

RELATED: For just $1,600, you can buy a flamethrower that spits fire 50 feet into the air

In the first part of the video, the water coming from the hose and the blast of fire seem evenly matched for a brief fraction of a second before the fire seems to overpower the water and singe the shield that’s guarding the two firemen holding the hose. As you can see, this is pretty scary:

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They decided to give it another shot and this time they widened the spray radius to better protect the water canon as it came under fire from the flamethrower. This time, there was a much more even match between water and fire…

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…and eventually the firehose won the day:

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We don’t have to tell you that you shouldn’t try this at home even if you happen to have access to both a high-powered flamethrower and a firehose, right? Anyway: Don’t try this at home. Do, however, check out the full video below.

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