Gun Nut Celebrity Adam Kokesh Busted for Shrooms

Gun Nut Celebrity Adam Kokesh Busted for Shrooms

Adam Kokesh, a prominent libertarian gun rights activist who recently envisioned an "Open Carry March" into Washington — that is, thousands of protestors marching into the district wielding loaded rifles — has been taken into custody on drug charges after cops found hallucinogenic mushrooms in his home, The Washington Post reports. (Kokesh is pictured above being arrested for putting up anti-war posters in 2006.) Shockingly, he also had a gun, which could add two years of prison time to his sentence. 

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Thirty or more cops raided the Iraq War veteran's Virginia home Tuesday evening armed with a battering ram and flash grenades, then spent five hours ransacking the place, according to Kokesh's roommates. It's there that Kokesh apparently runs his prolific YouTube channel, "Adam vs. The Man," but despite all the guns (lots of them), his roommates promise they come in peace:

The roommates spoke in a basement studio where they work on a podcast and web videos called “Adam Vs. The Man.” They said they have about 75,000 subscribers on YouTube. A sign that said “Anarchy Ave.” hung over a flat screen TV in the studio.

One of the roommates had a handgun strapped in a holster as he talked, but all said they believe in non-aggression and that Kokesh’s views have been misrepresented in the media.

Alas, it was the YouTube channel that likely caught the attention of the police, as Kokesh spent July 4 uploading a video of himself loading a shotgun in Freedom Plaza:

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"We will not allow the government to destroy our humanity," Kokesh intones in the brief clip. "We are" — click  "the final"  click  "revolution." 

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But Kokesh has had his share of previous run-ins with the law before. He was last arrested in 2011 for leading a flash-dance at the Jefferson Memorial, which the Post reported on, pointing out that Jefferson was "apparently quite fond of dancing" and thus may have "frowned on the [court's] ruling." No word on Jefferson's thoughts on magic mushrooms.