Group of Olmsted County attorneys offering low-income seniors help with wills and other paperwork

Sep. 19—ROCHESTER — A team of volunteer attorneys is preparing to help low-income seniors update their wills.

Legal Assistance of Olmsted County is offering a free event for eligible seniors who need to make sure their wills reflect their wishes. It will be held on Oct. 5 at the organization's offices, 1700 N. Broadway Ave., suite 124.

Local attorneys will be on hand from 9 a.m. to 4 provide help for up to 20 seniors. Appointments are required and can be scheduled by calling 507-287-2036.

LAOC Executive Director Karen Fairbairn Nath has pointed out that such reviews are important, even for people who don't have large estates. The paperwork will dictate how possessions are dispersed after someone dies.

During the special wills event for income-restricted seniors, volunteer attorneys review and update wills, as well powers of attorney and health care directives.

In addition to offering legal assistance, the scheduled wills clinics include advocates from Elder Network, who can provide connection to additional community resources.

Registration is required to confirm the people being helped are income eligible and at least 55 years old. Fairbairn Nath said she encourages anyone on a fixed income who needs help with a will or related document to check to see if they qualify for the help.

After registration, a questionnaire will be sent to each participant, which must be filled out and brought to the clinic. As a result, Fairbairn Nath suggested signing up as soon as possible to ensure a slot is available.