Grotesk's "T.SQ Newsstand" Art Installation Is Coming to Times Square

Artist Kimou “Grotesk” Meyer, "Victory Journal," "Juxtapoz" magazine, and Times Square Arts are bringing the "T. SQ Newsstand" to NYC.

In 2009, Juxtapoz magazine tapped Brooklyn-based artist Kimou Meyer, aka Grotesk, to create a cover illustration that paid homage to old-school New York and print media. The final product was a bold interpretation of the classic newsstand—you know, those endangered kiosks where people used to get the news before the Internet took over.

Years after the cover’s debut, Grotesk brought the newsstand to life by creating a functional wood replica for the 2014 SCOPE Miami Art Show. And now, Grotesk, Victory Journal, Juxtapoz magazine, and Times Square Arts are bringing the newsstand to the heart of NYC: Times Square.

The installation, aptly titled T.SQ Newsstand, has been revamped to withstand various weather conditions, and has had its signs redone by classically trained sign painters Matt Wright and Mike Langley of Sky High Murals. It will also sell copies of Victory Journal, Juxtapoz, and T.SQ, which is a limited-edition magazine that features NYC-themed art from names like Charlie Ahearn, Daniel Arnold, and Barbara Kruger.

Take a look at the T.SQ Newsstand in the image above. The installation will be on display at the Broadway Plaza (between 44th and 45th streets) beginning tomorrow through Oct. 18. It will also feature surprise visits from contributing artists like Jason Polan, Jean Jullien, and Cheryl Dunn.

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