Grieving chimpanzee carries dead baby at Spanish zoo

STORY: :: This grieving chimpanzee has been carrying around her dead baby for moths

:: Valencia, Spain

:: The ape, named Natalia, lost her child when it was only a few days old

:: Miguel Casares, Head of Bioparc zoo

“Our visitors, who are at first quite shocked by the sight of a dead calf, as soon as we explain to them why we have left it and why we are keeping it under observation, they understand it.”

Like humans, chimpanzees may mourn the deaths of those close to them, but it is unusual for the process to be so stark or so long. Nevertheless, Casares said it must be respected, just as in humans

Natalia had already lost one of her offspring in 2018, so she has been closely monitored this time.

Chimpanzees are among the most endangered primates in Africa, where a wild population of 100,000 to 200,000 is suffering from hunting, habitat loss and disease