GOP members of Michigan's Wayne County Board of Canvassers vote against certifying election results

On Tuesday, the four-member Wayne County Board of Canvassers in Michigan failed to certify the Nov. 3 election results, with the two Republicans on the committee voting against certifying the results and the two Democrats voting in favor.

Wayne County, the largest county in Michigan and home to Detroit, is heavily Democratic. President-elect Joe Biden has a nearly 150,000-vote lead in Michigan, and Republicans have filed multiple lawsuits in the state in an attempt to keep him from being the certified winner. In Wayne County, the unofficial election results show Biden with 67.99 percent of the votes cast and President Trump with 30.59 percent.

The board's Republican chair, Monica Palmer, said during the meeting that because there are discrepancies between the number of absentee ballots recorded as being cast and the number of absentee ballots counted, "we do not have have complete and accurate information on those poll books." Democratic vice chair Jonathan Kinloch replied that "most of this is human error. ... It's not based on fraud." The Detroit Free Press notes there were unexplained discrepancies with the August primary election, and the board unanimously supported certifying the results.

Almost immediately after the vote, Michigan Republican Party Chair Laura Cox released a statement saying she was "proud that, due to the efforts of the Michigan Republican Party, the Republican National Committee, and the Trump campaign, enough evidence of irregularities and potential voter fraud was uncovered, resulting in the Wayne County Board of Canvassers refusing to certify their election results."

Michigan Democratic Party Chair Lavora Barnes had a different take, calling the vote "an outrageous display of partisan posturing" and saying the Republican members "have chosen to tarnish their personal legacy by picking up the GOP banner of making allegations without any evidence." Disregarding the "will of the voters in Michigan is not only shameful," she added, "but a complete dereliction of duties."

Tuesday was final day for the county to certify the results, and Michigan Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson (D) said the Board of State Canvassers will take over the responsibility.

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