GOP Insiders: Paul Ryan Will Help Romney

On balance, will Paul Ryan help or hurt Mitt Romney, or will his selection as Romney’s running mate have no real impact on the election?

Republicans (162 VOTES)

Help    88%
Hurt    3%
No real impact    9%

“He makes Wisconsin a swing state, which spreads Obama even thinner.”

“Doubles down on substance, keeps debate on fiscal issues.”

“Romney went a long time without telling us who he is or what he would do.
The convention answers the first question and Ryan answers the second.”

“Ryan has given the ticket a needed dose of regular guy-ness.”

“Romney would be painted with Ryan’s budget regardless, so picking Ryan ensures that the campaign is up to speed and capable of properly and forcefully defending Ryan’s fiscal-sanity plan.”

“We now have an energized base. Mr. Robotic hadn’t brought that to the table.”


“By embracing Ryan, Romney embraced the totality of the Ryan plan and all the specific and more controversial elements of it.”

No real impact

“Ryan on the ballot isn’t what matters; the issues will be the same.”

Democrats (135 votes)

Help    14%
Hurt    63%
No real impact    23%


“Comes with risk, but he motivates the base.”


“The Ryan budget is an albatross and hurts with women, seniors.”

“While the selection of Ryan makes Wisconsin closer, it hurts Romney in Florida, which is much higher impact.”

“What is the definition of insanity? Having the same conversation about cutting
Medicare again and again and again—and expecting a different electoral result.”

No real impact

“The election will turn on the economy and Obama; Ryan is not LBJ.”

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