GOP Will Get to Grill Jon Corzine in Congress

GOP Will Get to Grill Jon Corzine in Congress

After talks on bankrupted financial firm MF Global in three separate congressional committees, the House Agriculture committee became the first to pull the trigger today by issuing a subpoena to its former CEO and former New Jersey Senator Jon Corzine, reports the BBC. And some are predicting that the Republican legislators will relish the chance to skewer the former Democratic senator and New Jersey governor. "Corzine’s Democratic credentials and past ties to Gary Gensler, now chairman of the Commodity Futures Trading Commission, are surely grist for the GOP political mill," reports Politico. Gensler's commission is now investigating the bankrupt financial firm, which is reported to have lost millions of investors' dollars -- including savings by farmers, which is why the Agriculture Committee wants his testimony. And Gensler's past buddy-buddy relationship with Corzine -- The Washington Post recalls how Gensler joked about Corzine's upcoming wedding at an event -- has already been fodder for GOP talking points. Just this morning Republican Senator Mike Johanns called out Corzine for recusing himself from the probe into MF Global. "It looks to me like you're trying to avoid the heat," he said according to Reuters. "You certainly didn't recuse yourself all of the other weeks and months and days while MF Global was doing what it was doing." Now with a subpoena out, GOP lawmakers have even more reason to take jabs at Corzine as a proxy for Democrats.