Google Search trends show Brexit voters may not know what the EU is

After the United Kingdom voted Thursday to exit the European Union, Google Search traffic showed that some voters may not have been entirely sure what their decision meant.

Google Trends reported that searches involving the referendum have spiked in the past 24 hours, with some of the most searched items involving what would happen if the country decides to leave the EU.

“What does it mean to leave the EU?” was the most searched question about the EU since the results were announced, Google reported.

The second most searched question, however, was something that voters should have probably considered earlier: “What is the EU?” Other basic questions, such as, “How many countries are in the EU?” cracked the top five. Google also announced that results for “What happens if we leave the EU” had tripled since the polls closed.

Slideshow: Britain’s Brexit battle >>>

London residents, who voted overwhelmingly to remain in the EU, were also seemingly busy searching for a last resort. The term “moving to Gibraltar” soared almost 700 percent as the results were announced Thursday.

Similarly, those in Northern Ireland were searching “getting an Irish passport” after that area voted to remain. And across the country, “how to emigrate” was a popular search term, which is somewhat ironic given the importance immigration held in the debate leading up to the referendum.