Google to live stream I/O conference after seats sell out in 20 mins

Many developers have taken to the web to complain that they couldn’t get tickets for Google’s largest developer event, the annual I/O conference, after the conference sold out in just under 20 minutes.

Google has come up with a solution that should please developers around the world: it will stream the opening Keynote and all key technical sessions live on the web.

The selected talks can be streamed as they take place via a web browser or on your smartphone or tablet. Catchup videos from all talks at I/O will also be available to watch after 24 hours.

Additionally, local developer community leaders and university ambassadors will host Google I/O Extended viewing parties for developers located outside of the US.

“While we're overwhelmed with the interest and enthusiasm around Google I/O, we know it can be very disappointing and frustrating when an event sells out this quickly,” said Google Senior Vice President of  Engineering Vic Gundotra in a post on Google+. “So, if you weren’t able to land a ticket today, see you at I/O Live ( or one of our Extended ( locations in person!”

Google I/O runs from June 27-29 at the Moscone Center in San Francisco. The intensive three-day event focuses on development for Android, Google Chrome, Google APIs and open web technologies.

In 2012 the event will feature more than 110 talks on Android, Chrome, Google+ and App Engine, plus Code Labs, a Hackathon and Developer Hangouts (live video chats). Last year Google used the conference to unveil the Android@Home software platform.

eWeek has put together a list of possible trends and announcements for this year’s event that includes a new version of Android, lots of Android stats, the future of Google TV, discussions about Google+ and security, and maybe even the announcement of a Google-branded smartphone.