Google lists all the devices Home supports for easy reference

When you need to see if that smart lock will work with your Google Home Mini.

The number of gadgets Google Home supports is getting pretty large these days. According to the company, more than 1,000 smart home devices from more than 150 brands play nice with its smart speakers to control things around your house. That's quite a lot of gadgets. If you're looking for a way to find out whether or not your Google Home, Mini or Max will work with the specific smart devices you have in your own home, the company has provided a new support page that lists all the compatible gear.

The support page offers a long alphabetized list of all the partner brands that Google Home supports, including Anova Culinary,, Electrolux Frigidaire, Firefly Home, Honeywell and Lowe's iDevices. You can filter the list at the top with the brand name or device type, and each entry has a link out to its respective support page. Now you've got a place to head the next time you want to purchase a smart device to confirm it will work with your Google Home.