'Good Morning Britain' guests row over MMR vaccine

A row erupted on Good Morning Britain between two guests who clashed over the subject of vaccinating children.

After a woman claimed she contracted mumps from a child who hadn’t been vaccinated against the virus, GMB hosts Ben Shephard and Kate Garraway were joined in the studio alongside Biba Tanya and Catherine Cooper who had opposing views about the MMR vaccine.

As Cooper shared her opinions on the importance of protecting children against the virus after her son contracted measles, Tanya expressed just how much she disagreed with the view when she began to raise her voice.

“No one has died of measles in the UK this year. In government statistics, no one has died in the UK,” Tanya declared after Catherine claimed that “several people died” of measles this year.

Having heard her statement, Dr Hilary Jones corrected Tanya, who believes MMR “damaged” her son, over her claims which led the outspoken guest to start shouting.

“90,000 people have died last year from measles,” GMB’s resident doctor explained.

“That’s worldwide…so we’re looking at malnourished children, we’re looking at children who are deficient in vitamin A. That is absolutely absurd! Measles is not a killer disease in a healthy child. I’ve had measles myself!” retorted Tanya.

As Cooper tried to express her opinion, Tanya definitely continued to share her views when she asked her fellow guest: “So your child died, did he? You have a perfectly healthy child.

“You’re looking at the assumption that children are born riddled with disease,” she said.

Sensing that the heated debate was getting out of hand, Shephard was forced to step in and tell Tanya to remain calm during the remainder of the interview about the controversial subject.

“Biba, you’re very passionate, but if we can keep it a bit calmer then we can hear what everyone has to say and your point will come across.”

Just before the discussion came to an end, Dr Hilary reassured everyone that the MMR vaccine was safe when he explained: “MMR is very safe. It protects children.

“Anyone who wants to go back to the pre-vaccination era is not understanding the science…In the UK it is still there. Anyone who hasn’t been vaccinated are the most at risk,” she stated.

Read more
Should a parent ever be forced to vaccinate their children?
Anti-vaccination advert banned, after warning parents vaccines “can kill”
A third of parents think its OK to choose not to vaccinate their children against MMR