Goldie Hawn Is the Trampoline Queen! Here’s Why It’s the Perfect At-Home Workout During Quarantine

Like many, we subscribe to the school of thought that Goldie Hawn can do no wrong. The legendary actor knows how to live life to the fullest while staying vital and healthy. In quarantine, Hawn has been channeling her feel-good attitude and passion for wellness into transcendent Instagram content, showcasing the fruits of dancing with abandon as well as mind-cleansing meditations through her organization MindUP. Now, Hawn is shedding light on one of her best-loved forms of exercising: rebounding on a trampoline.

In a new video set to the soundtrack of Dua Lipa’s power-pop number “Physical,” Hawn springs up and down on her mini trampoline as wild and free as ever. “Dance, jump, and twirl like nobody’s watching!” she wrote in the caption. Bridging the gap between recreation and exercise, Hawn is not only inspiring her followers to get moving, but emphasizing that rebounding is a workout perfectly suited to life indoors. Case in point: When mass social distancing began in Japan, sales of mini trampolines began rising rapidly as a solution for staying active within the confines of the home. And it’s far from a stand-in for other types of exercise—it’s a robust alternative; one that astronauts have used to help regain bone density and muscle mass after returning from space. Further proof of its effectiveness was a NASA study published in the Journal of Applied Physiology that found that rebounding exercise is 68% more efficient than jogging.

Here, Colette Dong, cofounder of Tribeca trampoline-cardio studio The Ness, helps explain the ins and outs of rebounding.

What is rebounding?

Rebounding is a cardiovascular exercise typically performed on a mini trampoline. “Rebounders are usually smaller and firmer, which allows for a better bounce when compared to a larger trampoline you might see outdoors,” explains Dong, who insists that even though a trampoline is low impact, it’s not lacking in intensity. “It covers every single part of your body, and you can work up a massive sweat in just 30 minutes,” says Dong. “It’s efficient, but mainly it’s fun.”

Stamina 36-Inch Folding Trampoline

$48.00, STAMINA


JumpSport 230F Folding In-Home Cardio Fitness Rebounder

$280.00, JUMPSHORT


How does it benefit the body?

Rebounding offers a multitude of benefits: On the surface, it works to keep the entire body, particularly the core, legs, glutes, and back muscles, toned and strong. “Although it does wonders for weight loss, the benefits you can’t see are the most valuable,” says Dong. Rebounding motions not only stimulate the lymphatic system, which helps flush out toxins and fight disease, but improve balance and coordination. “It enhances motor skills and provides a mental release, and can help relieve symptoms of anxiety,” she says.

Why is it easier on the joints?

According to Dong, the soft mat and cords of a mini trampoline allow it to have “give” so that acceleration and deceleration are essentially absorbed, thus eliminating up to 80% of the shock of landing on a jump. “Moving on hard surfaces like roads and sidewalks don’t have a lot of give, so they have higher impact on the joints,” explains Dong. “Low impact is great because it protects your joints without sacrificing the work for your muscles.” Because of this, you can do it at any age!

Fit Bounce Pro II Bungee Rebounder

$319.00, FIT BOUNCE


Propel 38" Rebounder Trampoline

$68.00, PROPEL


Why is rebounding so well-suited to quarantine life?

“Getting a proper sweat is hard to come by with most exercises that can be done in a small spaces,” explains Dong. “You can do an entire rebounding session without getting off your trampoline, so as long as you can find a space to place the trampoline, you are golden.” Moreover, a mini trampoline is small, and many models fold up or have collapsable legs, making them easy to store.

What’s the best way to start rebounding, particularly while social distancing?

If you are new to rebounding, Dong recommends finding a basics class video or online trainer that can give you tips on form. The Ness is offering a free seven-day trial as well as a monthly subscription, which includes a complementary 20-minute online consultation, for its virtual bounce and sculpt classes. If you feel comfortable and have been doing it on your own time, you can also freestyle: Throw on a playlist that motivates you and gradually gets faster. “When you challenge yourself to move to the beat of the music, you’ll naturally push yourself more over the course of the playlist,” she explains.

Originally Appeared on Vogue