Gloria Steinem Now Wants Boycott of 'The Playboy Club'

We previously covered Gloria Steinem's initial skepticism over NBC's new show, The Playboy Club.  Well, the undercover Playboy Bunny and noted feminist has upped the ante, calling for a boycott.

RELATED: Gloria Steinem Is Skeptical of 'The Playboy Club'

"Clearly 'The Playboy Club' is not going to be accurate. It was the tackiest place on earth. It was not glamorous at all," Steinem said in a Reuters interview yesterday. While harshly criticizing the new '60s-era show, she was quick to point out the difference between The Playboy Club and AMC's Mad Men. Steinem gave her approval of  Mad Men which is she calls "a net plus, because it shows the world of the early 1960s with some realism." She clarified the difference, "I expect that 'The Playboy Club' will be a net minus and I hope people boycott it. It's just not telling the truth about the era."

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"It normalizes a passive dominant idea of gender. So it normalizes prostitution and male dominance...I just know that over the years, women have called me and told me horror stories of what they experienced at the Playboy Club and at the Playboy Mansion," she said.