Glenn Beck's Media Empire Is Still Hiring, Apparently

Glenn Beck's Media Empire Is Still Hiring, Apparently

Since announcing his planned departure from Fox News, Glenn Beck has received plenty of kicks on his way out the door. He's also aired his presidential dream list, which includes Florida congressman Allen West and Minnesota Congresswoman Michele Bachmann, and mocked Lawrence O'Donnel for supporting Planned Parenthood. Today, the conspiracy-spotting host discussed taxation and let an interesting tidbit slide during his pontificating: he's planning on hiring 50 people by the end of the year.

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What does Beck need 50 henchman for? Business Insider's Glynnis MacNicol thinks he's looking to "significantly expand" his website, The Blaze, and his Mercury Radio Arts company, "which has been increasing its original programming." Really, the hires could be for any number of his media properties: his ten-issue-a-year magazine Fusion, his newsletter, his merchandise arm, the ad-supported, a booker for his speaking events, or maybe even some roadies for his next tour. Or maybe he was just bluffing to paint himself as the benevolent employer, creating jobs despite being over-taxed. Here's the quote from his radio show:

"I employ 50 people. How many people have created this many jobs? Since the recession hit... I've hired an additional 40 people. I could easily hire, we're planning on hiring, another 50 people by the end of the year... If you gave me a reduction of another 10 per, just give me 10 percent... how many jobs would I create?"