Glendale officer uses Taser on man holding knife; man falls, stabbing himself in the neck

A Glendale police officer and a man are injured after the man pulled out a large knife, held it to himself and the officer used a Taser on him, causing him to fall on the knife on Tuesday.

Officers responded to reports of a "suspicious" fire just after 6 p.m. When officers arrived at the scene, they spoke with a man who was engaging in "odd" behavior, according to police spokesperson Sgt. Randy Stewart on Wednesday.

The body camera footage released Wednesday shows the unidentified officer speaking to the man.

After officers began to speak to the man, they found out that he was associated with the burning home.

The officer can be heard telling the man he cannot go back into his home: "You can't go there, it's not safe."

The officer then directed the man to grab a water bottle and move down the street away from the firefighters. The man instead decided to dump all of the water on the ground.

"Now maybe we can get out of their way so they can do their job," the officer said.

The man put the empty water bottle into a mailbox as the officer continued to direct him.

After returning to the officer's side, the man pulled out a knife. As soon as the officer saw the knife, he tried to grab it from him.

The officer can be heard saying, "Let me have the knife. Put the knife down."

The man did not comply and walked away from the officer. The officer reported that the man had a knife and then told the man to "put the knife down now." The man instead held the knife close to his chest and neck.

The officer then pointed his Taser at the man and told the man to put the knife down before using the Taser.

The man began falling to the ground, so the officer lunged to grab him, appearing to cut his own hand in the process. The man hit the ground. The officer attempted to roll the man over to grab the knife.

"The knife is in his neck," the officer said.

A firefighter approached to assist the officer and saw that the knife was in the man's neck. The firefighter managed to roll the man over onto his back by dragging him.

The video cuts with the man in a fetal position, the knife still stuck in his neck.

The man was eventually treated for his injuries and transported to a local hospital despite not initially allowing paramedics to treat his injuries.

Police have not yet released the identity of the man or the officer. The investigation is ongoing.

Reach breaking news reporter Amaris Encinas at or on Twitter @amarisencinas.

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This article originally appeared on Arizona Republic: Glendale officer, man with knife injured after officer uses Taser