This gigantic Nutella fried ice cream ball will have you salivating for days


For a fried ice cream newbie, the idea of a grapefruit-sized ball of Nutella and vanilla fried ice cream adorned with crushed Maltesers is intimidating, to say the least.

From the hot, salted caramel sauce to the sheer size of the creation, Sydney-based Australian café Piccolo Me's latest dessert, aptly named the "Fried Maltella," is a rich, creamy sphere of magic. Due to its huge size, it's recommended you have either a gargantuan stomach, or a couple of sweet-toothed friends to help you tackle the beast.

See also: Indulge in 2016's sweetest food trend: Extravagant milkshakes

Logistically, the size of this monster ball has meant it isn't available just yet, but the team at Mashable Australia were stuck in the throes of a chocolate frenzy and decided to taste a smaller, apple-sized version anyway — definitely more user-friendly, if only slightly less eye-popping.

When Mashable Australia spoke to co-founder Roy El Hachem about our other-worldly experience with the smaller dish, he said he had created it two years ago but decided to push the idea further recently.

"I actually did that one about two years ago," he said. "With the new one, I thought I've gotta do something different, so why don't I just push the boundary and see how far I can go? So I did, and when that happened I was like — Wow, I actually made it!"

El Hachem first experimented with the idea last Wednesday Jan. 13, and it took two full days for the ice cream to set, ready to be fried. The super-sized dessert will be a limited release only, slated to arrive at the Macquarie University store in Sydney on Monday, Jan. 25 for just one week.

"We've got about 100 ready to go, we started making them on the weekend," he said. Thanks to a supply of ice cream already in-store from the company's smaller version, the process for creating each dish is shortened significantly, taking hours, not days.

University students will undoubtedly be flocking in to try the new dessert, largely thanks to the Nutella craze hitting Australia — a craze which El Hachem is all too familiar with.

"My love for Nutella started a few years ago actually. We were one of the first cafés to ride the Nutella wave, but now it's everywhere — anything you can put it on, you put it on," he said.

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