'My gift': Woman gives presents to Aiken County children each Christmas

Dec. 24—For over two decades, Evelyn Withers has felt God's call around the Christmas season.

Withers, 81, a member of New Life Ministries of Aiken, founded the so-called "brown bag" ministry 27 years ago.

At the outset, she would fill brown bags with little things she could get for children, both those who were a part of the church as well as those who weren't.

"She felt the Lord laid it on her heart to try to do something for children that didn't have a lot for Christmas during that time," said Gerald Haynes, the church's bishop.

Despite her and her since-deceased husband living on a fixed income, Withers, who also goes by Mother Withers, did not want any funding from the church for the venture. Since that day, the bags have grown bigger to where they're now cloth bags, like ones that might be taken to the grocery store.

"I just feel like that's my gift," Withers said. "God gave it to me and I'm determined to carry on."

The bags are typically given out on the third Sunday of December. This year, Withers acknowledged there were less children, which she attributed partially to the ongoing coronavirus pandemic.

Despite the circumstances, there were still several children this year who received a bag. The bags were packed to be age and gender appropriate, containing such items as headphones, a football, coloring books, notebooks, pens and pencils, and grooming products.

Haynes had nothing but praise for Withers during the service when the gifts were distributed.

"It's something that she's done unselfishly and it's been a blessing to the children that received it," Haynes said.

Withers said the annual event still brings her excitement, even after all these years of giving the gifts.

"It's just something I love doing," she said. "I just love doing it for the children (and) seeing them enjoy themselves."

"It comes from a good place and a heart that's full of love," Haynes said.

Withers said she's happy each year that God allows her to see another Christmas and continue her ministry.

"It's just Jesus, I tell you," she said.