Giants Get the 'Canyon of Heroes' Treatment

In the grand tradition of public celebration in lower Manhattan for the end of wars and victories in sports, the Super Bowl champion Giants got their victory parade in the Canyon of Heroes this morning. Thankfully the parade through the team's hometown of  East Rutherford  New York City, which has been underway since 11 a.m. after starting at Battery Park and moving its way up the Canyon of Heroes (aka the part of Broadway with the tall buildings) to City Hall, only saw one arrest, according to Gothamist. Though that might not be the only way people get in trouble. Bosses may try to play their best Mr. Rooney and see who's skipping work with the pictures and livestream video of the celebration (some of which we culled below). Our blogging selves will sulk at the fact that we can't enjoy the festivities in person, but are only able to write about it.

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[Source: AP]

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[Source: Reuters]

[Source: AP]

[Source: Reuters]

[Source: mayorbloomberg at YouTube]