Gay Marriage in Europe, Rafalca, and Warner Brothers' History of Violence

Now that The New York Times pay wall is live, you only get 10 free clicks a month. For those worried about hitting their limit, we're taking a look through the paper each morning to find the stories that can make your clicks count.

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Top Stories: Romney and Obama's "choice of words and imagery is a reminder of how powerful undercurrents of identity, wealth, race and religion are shaping this election." 

RELATED: Christine Quinn's Big Gay Political Wedding

World: Kim Jong-un's marriage announcement appears to analysts "to be a continuation of what is either a policy change, or a propaganda offensive, or both." Though Europe prides itself on being progressive in gay rights, varying laws on gay marriage from country to country make things complicated for partners.  

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U.S.: Heat is causing problems for the nation's infrastructure, like highways, railroads, and nuclear power plants. 

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New York: City Council Speaker Christine Quinn — who is "a devotee of 'The Real Housewives of New Jersey' and not its New York City counterpart"  — spends time on the Jersey Shore

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Business: Stores that are big in the suburbs get small in cities.

Technology: New software allows children who can't speak to use children's voices. 

Sports: How do the Olympics get broadcast? Meet "engineer-in-chief for NBC Olympics" Dave Mazza. Meet Rafalca: the dressage horse partly owned by Ann Romney. 

Movies: Warner Brothers — which put out The Dark Knight Rises — has a history of violent movies. 

Style: The House of Xtravaganza hosted a 30th anniversary celebratory drag ball Sunday where competition categories included "Female Figure Face" and "Butch Queen Twister." 

 Opinion: Former policeman Michael A. Black writes "the pro- and anti-gun groups need to sit down and let common sense rule."