Gary Neville is a man of his word and deserves praise – not condemnation – for appearing on Arsenal Fan TV

Love him or loathe him, there is something engaging about Gary Neville that makes it impossible to feel ambivalent about him. Given the nature of his job, that should be applauded.

He is articulate, insightful and, most of all interesting. As a pundit for Sky he is one of the best, and as a columnist for Telegraph Sporthe was consistently thought-provoking, but he has other qualities that make him stand out.

When the eldest of the Neville brothers attacked declining standards in sports journalism and – quite rightly – received a bombardment of counter-criticism, he offered to have a live debate with three high-profile members of the profession. He kept his word.

When he labelled an Arsenal supporter calling for manager Arsène Wenger to be sacked an “idiot” he subsequently offered to appear on a Fan TV channel to argue his point. He did not apologise, he wanted to carry on the argument, albeit in a polite and articulate fashion. It is refreshingly different, if nothing else.

It might be the pundit equivalent of a football manager coming out to speak to the supporters in the stands directly after a 5-0 away defeat – there is certainly an element of a public relations stunt – but it is a hell of a lot better than hiding in the dressing room saying nothing.

Nobody’s opinion was changed by Neville's debate with journalists on Sky’s Sunday Supplement, with conversation veering from one argument to the other without ever really settling any of them. Yet it was fascinating to see a former England international and media personality engaging with his critics, rather than using his celebrity status or busy schedule to shield himself from direct contact. Neville may live in a mansion, but he does not lock himself away in an Ivory tower.

Perhaps he was shocked by the strong opinions his tweet sparked from journalists willing to leap to the defence of their profession. Perhaps he always intended to wind them up, but having done so he opened up a dialogue, an honest airing of views, where he could make his point and others could make theirs

Normally, these differences of opinion would happen in private. Over a pint in the "good old days", now more usually in an office with press officers and quite possibly agents acting as referees.

Neville bucked that trend and it begs the question, if it is so easy to do, why haven’t others done it?

It has not been a particularly good 12 months for the former Manchester United defender, whose first foray into football management turned sour at Valencia. Yet the fact he was willing to take his first steps as a manager in one of the toughest jobs in Spain rather than at home says a lot about the man.

Neville wants to be challenged, tested and maybe even a little stressed. He is a driven man who is unwilling to follow a script. He is different, and he has brought that to his work as a pundit.

When he stepped down as England’s assistant manager after an embarrassing defeat to Iceland in the European Championships last summer, there was a fair bit of enjoyment taken from other managers and coaches who had grown tired of his scathing criticism from the comfort of a television studio.

Privately some took great pleasure in his demise. He would have known that, or at least suspected it. He may have felt a little ashamed and embarrassed, which is possibly why he very quickly claimed he was no longer interested in a coaching career.

Nevertheless, Neville could have hidden himself away while he licked his wounds, but has remained visible. He has not been battered into silence. He remains as opinionated as ever and, let’s be honest, television studios and commentary booths are full of failed managers working as pundits, so he has nothing to be ashamed of there.

Yet Neville has continued to change perceptions of how a pundit should behave, how they should respond to critics, in an era when anybody with access to the internet can become one.

Neville whipped up another storm this month when he called an irate Arsenal fan demanding Wenger’s removal “an idiot.” It was brutally dismissive.

According to his more sanctimonious critics it was a shocking insult that belittled a fan who has every right to express an opinion. Maybe, but surely Neville was merely using the sort of language other fans would use towards him? It was an everyday insult, harsh, but hardly cruel.

Nevertheless, once again stung by the vitriol directed at him, Neville offered to appear on Arsenal Fan TV to debate the issue. Just as he did with the journalists, the 41-year-old has stepped out of his comfort zone, opened himself up and entered into a very public debate.

There are some pundits who are argumentative for an argument’s sake, but while Neville the cut and thrust of a row, he should not be attacked for standing by his point of view in a way no pundit has done before. He should be congratulated.