Game of Thrones season 7: the biggest plot holes and problems (so far)

Maisie Williams as Arya Stark
Maisie Williams as Arya Stark

It’s a given that when watching Game of Thrones, a series about dragons and zombie ice armies, one must suspend disbelief. I mean, Bran managed to travel beyond the wall and back on a wooden trolley. Not to mention the attacks by mutinous Nights Watch members and white walkers

It’s been unanimously agreed that season seven has been epic. But there have been some plot holes so big that they're getting almost impossible to ignore. What's more, with added battle scenes and dragons, we've lost some of the political intrigue that made us feel like we were watching a grown-up show. Is it possible that Game of Thrones has gone a little bit... silly? Here are the most glaring examples so far:

How is everyone getting around so quickly?

Back in those halcyon days of season one, it would take a handful of episodes just to get from Winterfell to Kings Landing. Now, characters are zipping all over the place in just one episode. This already raised alarm bells in the final episodes of season six, when Varys and Olenna popped across to Dorne in the space of one episode. The most significant recent example, thought has been Jon Snow and chums’ relay from Winterfell, to Dragonstone, to the Wall, and back. 


Unless Crossrail or HS2 have arrived in Westeros, this is all getting a little bit silly. And yes, I am saying this in regards to a show with ice zombies and dragons…and zombie ice dragons. 

While Daenerys can zip about on one of her dragon babies, there is no explanation for the speed at which the other characters are travelling about. Even Alan Taylor, director of Beyond the Wall, admitted to Variety that the "timing was getting a little hazy" and that they "tried to hedge it a little bit with the eternal twilight up there north of The Wall. I think there was some effort to fudge the timeline a little bit by not declaring exactly how long we were there."

Granted, it’s giving the plot a bit more momentum. But now this Song of Ice and Fire is snowballing out of control. Part of the glory of previous seasons was the slow pace at which conspiracies would unfurl, and it would be great if they could bring a little bit of that back. 

The power dressing

Particularly Daenarys, who seems to have more costume changes than a pantomime dame. She’s traded in floaty tunics for a biker chick leather clad look to go with her increasingly hardened, no-nonsense persona and the cooler winter climate. Episode six saw her sporting a particularly stunning fur coat for her excursion north of the wall. But where on earth is she getting the materials for these clothes? That coat was made out of at least two different types of animal, and I’m yet to see any tigers prowling Dragonstone. 


The same goes for Sansa and Cersei — the two women have traded in their highfaluting, luxurious summer silks for black gowns with leather detailing. It hammers home the fact that these female characters have toughened up since they first graced our screens.

Still, it all feels a bit ham-fisted. Game of Thrones used to be a show admired for its subtlety,. Nowadays, the signposting using extravagant eighties shoulder pads and dark colour schemes all feels like when an old school disney villain skulks onto the stage. There might as well be a soundtrack of boos and hisses whenever Cersei crops up. 

dany dresss
dany dresss

This is a medieval-inspired society. In medieval times black was one of the most expensive dyes and used to show off wealth. There’s no doubt that the Lannisters and Starks have a bit of cash behind them, but there’s a war on. How on earth can they justify splashing out on these new threads?


During the Second World War, women would draw a line on the back of their legs with a pen to make it look as though they were wearing stockings. It’s hard to believe these women can afford such intricate and fancy costume changes. 

There’s a wight ironworks somewhere north of the wall

The terrible undead wights and white walkers are supposedly incapable of swimming, and yet were capable of hefting a giant chain around the sunken body of Viserion and pulling him out of the icy waters. 


For starters, where did the Night King’s army even get hold of these vast chains? Is there an ironworks churning them out north of the wall? I can just imagine the undead trundling along, despairing at the daily grind before picking up there icy pay packets. Or maybe they nicked them from a cruise ship during a leisurely break in the long summer. 

Episode reviews | Game of Thrones season 7
Episode reviews | Game of Thrones season 7

Not to mention the turbo charged messenger service

Now it’s time to start raven about Gendry’s raven. Somehow, the young blacksmith is supposed to have jogged across the ice in record time, before sending a raven to arrive at Dragonstone in a matter of hours. It’s more effective than Facebook Messenger. 


Raven-eyed redditors have calculated different timeframes for the entire White Walker/Jon Snow/Daenerys sequence to take place. One estimation is 24 hours, while another redditor suggests 5 days is more likely — based on the average time for ice to freeze over quickly enough for a wight to walk over it. Either way, its an impressive amount of time to spend in the freezing cold before fighting hand to hand with the undead. 

It’s not just Gendry’s raven, though, that has proven particularly nippy. Cersei and Daenarys have also sent lighting fast messenger birds this season.

Jorah’s miracle cure

We all saw Sam hacking away at Jorah’s greyscale to reveal pink, raw flesh beneath. There’s no way it could have miraculously healed over enough to make a full recovery by the next day. This is a disease that we've constantly been told is a horrific death sentence. It's the most feared, contagious infection you can get in Westeros with terrifying consequences.


Only Shireen Baratheon is supposed to have survived -- and that was because they caught the infection early. Not only that, but she was horribly disfigured for the rest of her short life. And yet inexperienced Samwell Tarly managed to cure him with a chisel and a pair of Marigolds.

After this miraculous recovery, we’re supposed to believe that Jorah bounced back sufficiently after having what was basically plastic surgery without anesthetic to travel all the way to Dragonstone before going on a quest to retrieve a wight. We know he's keen on Daenarys but surely even a quickening heartbeat can’t make a person recover from a life threatening disease overnight.

Those ironborn sure can build a ship or two

iron ships
iron ships

…or a thousand. The Drowned God only knows what Euron has been feeding his shipbuilders. He managed to replenish his fleet and get from the Iron Islands all the way down to Kings Landing in almost the same space of time as it took Yara and Theon to get to Daenerys in Mereen. That’s a lot of building and a lot of sailing. 

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