'Game of Thrones' fan made a stirring tribute the new King in the North


Caution: Winter is here and spoilers are everywhere.

Wrapped in thick furs and cursing the fall of winter, YouTuber TheGaroStudios set about making a fitting tribute to the trials and tribulations Jon Snow had to endure before finally being named King in the North. In the last episode of Season 6, that's just what happened, with the firm support of the legendary Lady Lyanna

This beautifully cut video shows every bit of Jon's struggle to stay alive, despite being killed, and does just about everything it can to make us salivate for Season 7 like Ghost during suppertime. Not that we needed any help in getting hyped for next year.

If only we could travel in time to the Season 7 premiere just as easily as the Greyjoys traveled to Meereen or as quickly as Varys travels to wherever the hell he wants. Until then, we will just rewatch this tribute. 

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