Gainesville Ward 3, rest of vote up for review Tuesday

May 13—A special meeting of the Gainesville City Council to canvas the results of the May 4 election will be held on Tuesday at 2 p.m.

Before the regularly scheduled meeting last Tuesday, a final ballot came in for the election for Gainesville City Council member of Ward 3. There was uncertainty as to if the ballot would be accepted due to it having a barcode but not an official postmark.

Diana Alcala, the City Secretary for Gainesville, urgently sought information due to the potential for a tie. The election between Randy Jones and incumbent Michael Hill came down to a 25-24 vote with Jones squeaking ahead, and this one ballot could change the result.

After consulting with the Secretary of State and Gainesville Postmaster Vallarie Taylor, the ballot would likely be rejected. However, the council decided to wait to canvas the election until the official opinion was put in writing, as suggested by the city attorney.

"The Legal Department stated they were doing their best to have a written statement for me today [last Tuesday]," said Alcala, "But verbally confirmed that the ballot would be rejected due to not receiving the postmark."

Due to this delay, the canvassing of the election will be held this Tuesday at the Municipal building. A minimum of two councilmembers are needed to canvas the election.

The swearing in of the council member for Ward 3, as well as the renewing of oaths by City Municipal Court Judge Chris Cypert and council members Jeff Johnson and Mary Jo Dollar will be held at the next regularly scheduled council meeting on May 21.