G20 members find difficulty in framing Russia’s war on Ukraine, crisis in Gaza


Finance ministers from the G20 countries are still discussing how to describe the war in Ukraine and the situation in the Gaza Strip in a joint communique, Reuters reported on March 1.

The dispute erupted just hours before the scheduled conclusion of the G20 negotiations, highlighting a noticable rift among the group's members over how to address the escalating geopolitical tensions that Brazil is attempting to resolve, Reuters said.

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Germany's Finance Minister, Christian Lindner, expressed confidence that the G20 finance ministers would reach an agreement on a communique that acknowledges the geopolitical risks to economic growth.

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The G20 finance ministers and central bank governors, however, have yet to agree on certain parts of the statement.

Members of the G7 and Japan favor describing the conflict as a war "in" Ukraine, while Russia prefers to characterize it as a war "within" Ukraine.

G7 members also support a phrasing that describes the situation in the Gaza Strip as a "humanitarian crisis" without mentioning Israel.

Brazilian officials hosting the event have tried to steer the discussions towards economic cooperation.

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