After Fyre Festival Debacle, Twitter Seethes With Vicious Attacks On The Wealthy

After Fyre Festival Debacle, Twitter Seethes With Vicious Attacks On The Wealthy

Schadenfreude is a powerful force, especially when you add class resentment to the mix. As news of the chaotic unraveling of the Fyre music festival has spread, Twitter users have had a field day excoriating the Ja Rule-affiliated event and its largely wealthy attendees.

Those who traveled to a Bahamian island for the exclusive festival, after shelling out $1,200 or more for passes, arrived to find wet bedding and lackluster sandwiches instead of the luxury they'd been promised. There were also reports of thefts and a breakdown of transportation services and other infrastructure.

Many wags pointed out that the ensuing struggle was just everyday reality for many of the less fortunate.

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The idea that the wealthy young attendees were gullible saps also surfaced again and again.

(The sense that attendees got scammed is reinforced by a rumor that celebrities were warned not to attend the festival’s opening weekend.)

A critical mass of responses were downright nasty, indulging in fantasies of violence and despair among the rich.

Brands have wisely steered clear of the class strife, but one apparently satirical account took a swing on RC Cola’s behalf--and earned some serious traction for it:

If any reminder was needed, the Fyre fallout shows just how deep antipathy for the wealthy runs in our increasingly unequal era.

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