Fur seals and elephant seal visit Ukraine’s Antarctic station — photos

Fur seals near the Akademik Vernadsky station
Fur seals near the Akademik Vernadsky station

Ukrainian polar researchers spotted a large number of fur seals near the Akademik Vernadsky station in Antarctica, with photos posted on the National Antarctic Research Center's Facebook account on May 20.

"Recently, biologist Svitozar Davydenko of the 29th Ukrainian Antarctic Expedition counted 81 Antarctic fur seals on Galindez Island, where the Akademik Vernadsky station is located. There was also a southern elephant seal among them," the explorers reported.

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Fur seals were also observed on neighboring islands.

<span class="copyright">National Antarctic Science Center</span>
National Antarctic Science Center
<span class="copyright">National Antarctic Science Center</span>
National Antarctic Science Center

Autumn is the season when these animals tend to congregate near the station, according to researchers.

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"Unlike domestic cats, these animals are aggressive and not at all gentle. They fight for their territory, growl at other males, and can attack polar explorers. And they have every right to do so: they are the masters of Antarctica!"

<span class="copyright">National Antarctic Science Center</span>
National Antarctic Science Center
<span class="copyright">National Antarctic Science Center</span>
National Antarctic Science Center

Fur seals primarily feed on fish, squid, and krill, and do not prey on penguins.

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"This species of seal was once actively hunted for its valuable fur. But since the signing of the Antarctic Treaty, they, like all other animals on the icy continent, are protected and must not be disturbed," the post reads.

<span class="copyright">National Antarctic Science Center</span>
National Antarctic Science Center
<span class="copyright">National Antarctic Science Center</span>
National Antarctic Science Center
<span class="copyright">National Antarctic Science Center</span>
National Antarctic Science Center

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