Fun bookmarks combine your great loves: Pokémon and butts

Find yourself missing Pokémon Go while you're enjoying other activities, like reading? Great news: Now you can hold your place in Great Expectations with a reasonable facsimile of Squirtle's butt.

Ukrainian artist Olena Mysnyk has created a delightful set of bookmarks that resemble the rear ends of all your favorite Pokémon. There's Squirtle, Charmander, Pikachu, Meowth and — most adorably — Eevee.

SEE ALSO: Enormous Pokémon statue appears out of nowhere in New Orleans

Image: etsy/mybookmark

Each Pokémon also has an adorably bookish nickname: Pikachu becomes "Bookachu," and Charmander turns into "Charmarker." Get it? Because you're marking your page.

Image: etsy/mybookmark

For now, Mysnyk is only accepting pre-orders, but she'll start shipping the bookmarks on Aug. 15.

Having trouble picking a Pokébutt? We recommend going with whichever Pokémon you've failed to catch in the game. Trust us, you'll feel better.

[H/T: Nerdist]