Full Video: A 90-Minute Conversation with Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg

Sit down with the National Constitution Center’s Jeffrey Rosen as he conducts a candid, 90-minute talk with Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg at a recent event in Philadelphia.


Rosen asked Justice Ginsburg for her opinions on judicial activism, the Court’s recent decisions, her early career as an advocate for women’s rights, and the importance of the Constitution as an a “fundamental instrument of our government.”

The full 90-minute interview is available in five parts on the Center’s channel on Vimeo.


Among the highlights:

On her Supreme Court legacy: “My dissent (in the Lilly Ledbetter case) said essentially, ‘Congress, you’ve really misunderstood what you meant. So make it even clearer’ – which the Congress did inside of two years.”

On DOMA and Roe v. Wade: “It’s a woman’s right to control her own destiny, to be able to make choices without the Big Brother state telling her what she can and cannot do,” she said to sustained applause.

On the inspiration for her Fisher dissent: “When a state, in the case of Fisher v. Texas, the state university wants to have an affirmative action plan, of the most moderate kind, who is the Court to say that’s unconstitutional?”

Watch more video below:

Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg at the National Constitution Center: Part 1 from National Constitution Center on Vimeo.

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