Make Your Friends Salivate With These Food-Themed Halloween Costumes

Deciding what Halloween costume to wear is a challenge every single year. Once we’ve decided what party we’ll be going to and found out whether there is a theme, settling upon what to wear is the most important item on our agenda over the next few weeks. First, you need to decide if you’re going to be going alone (and therefore are able to wear whatever you want), or with a friend, or in a group, in which case a cleverly curated and coordinated squad costume plan needs to be carefully formed. Once that’s set, it’s time to let your creative juices run free.

Make Your Friends Salivate With These Food-Themed Halloween Costumes (Slideshow)

Obviously, our favorite costumes are the food-themed ones.

Make Your Friends Salivate With These Food-Themed Halloween Costumes

They’re always popular, always well-received, and great fun to wear. Either choose your favorite food, like pizza or a cupcake, match with a friend to go as a burger and fries, or dress up in a seasonally appropriate outfit that can really only be worn once a year such as candy corn or a literal "deviled" egg. Just make sure that whatever you choose is totally delicious, so that everyone is salivating at your chosen costume.

Read on to find our favorite food-themed Halloween costumes, which we hope will inspire you when you’re deciding on what to wear to your spooky party this year.


Click here to see the Halloween food costumes.