French jetman killed in training accident

A French jetman flier has been killed in a training accident in Dubai.

Vince Reffet Ruh-fay was part of the Jetman Dubai team - who use kevlar wings fitted with four mini jet engines to perform high-speed aerial stunts.

Tributes for the 36-year-old poured in on Facebook.

One post from a colleague read: "Vince was a talented athlete, and a much-loved and respected member of our team."

Reffet was also a sky diver, famous for pulling off stunts in his jetpack and wingsuit.

He once flew into the open door of a tiny light aircraft in mid-air, after freefalling from the Jungfrau summit in the Swiss Alps.

And he held the world record for the highest base jump, involving a leap from Dubai's Burj Khalifa skyscraper - the world's tallest building.