French Academic's 'Mysterious' Death in New York Hotel Was a Heart Attack

French Academic's 'Mysterious' Death in New York Hotel Was a Heart Attack

Remember the story of Richard Descoings, the French academic who died mysteriously in a Midtown hotel room last month? The mystery has been solved: he had a heart attack.

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That's the report from the New York City medical examiner's office (by way of The New York Daily News), which ruled out any kind of foul play in Descoings' death. Two things made cops suspect he may have been murdered: His belongings had been strewn around, with his cell phone and laptop landing on a third-floor balcony "as if they'd been tossed," and security footage that showed two men visiting him late at night. Reuters answers the first question, noting that "it was later determined that emergency personnel had thrown the room into disorder during attempts to revive Descoings." And the two mysterious visitors appear to be men Descoings invited over via a hookup site, The Telegraph reported.