Sir John Major warns that UAE-backed Telegraph takeover is ‘not a good idea’

Sir John Major spoke out during a Q&A session with Andrew Neil at the Global Soft Power Summit
Sir John Major spoke out during a Q&A session with Andrew Neil at the Global Soft Power Summit - JONATHAN BRADY/PA
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Sir John Major has said it is not a “good idea” for the United Arab Emirates-backed takeover of The Telegraph to go ahead.

The former prime minister said he did not want newspapers to fall into “autocratic or semi-autocratic hands”.

MPs and peers have warned of the ramifications of the bid to take over The Telegraph and The Spectator by RedBird IMI, a fund that is 75 per cent financed by the UAE.

Lucy Frazer, the Culture Secretary, has triggered a public interest investigation into the sale, citing concerns about the accurate presentation of news and free expression.

The Telegraph newsroom
The takeover of The Telegraph has prompted a string of objections and is the subject of an Ofcom report - GEOFF PUGH FOR THE TELEGRAPH

Speaking on Thursday at Brand Finance’s Global Soft Power summit in London, Sir John said he wanted large national newspapers to be in the hands of “people who understand the British instinct”.

He agreed when Andrew Neil, the chairman of The Spectator, said that Gulf State autocracies were trying to buy up soft power by purchasing British football teams and more recently, media organisations.

Mr Neil has said that he will resign as chairman of The Spectator if the “absurd” proposed takeover goes ahead.

“I agree with that analysis,” Sir John said. “I think there’s a degree of ownership of British assets that I’m fairly relaxed if they go into autocratic or semi-autocratic hands.

“But there is a level beyond which one would not wish to see it happen.

“I don’t think it would be a good idea for them to buy a national newspaper, I really don’t.

“Not because there is any mistrust of them especially, but because different parts of the world have totally different perceptions of what is appropriate and what is not.

“And I think the ownership of a large national newspaper needs to be in the hands of people who understand the British instinct.”

Regulator to report on March 11

But Sir John said despite this, the UK should maintain as close as possible relations with the Gulf state, saying that over the past 40 years, it had “come an awful long way”.

The proposed takeover is in limbo pending an investigation by Ofcom. The media regulator is scheduled to deliver its report to Ms Frazer, who has the power to block the deal, by March 11.

Baroness Stowell, the chairman of the Lords communications and digital committee and a former Conservative cabinet minister, has put forward an amendment to the Digital Markets, Competition and Consumers Bill that would grant Parliament a veto on foreign state ownership of the British news media.

Sir John’s comments came after Robert Jenrick, the former housing secretary, warned that freedom of the press was in danger if the takeover went ahead. He called on the Government to back the Stowell amendment when he raised the matter in business questions in the Commons on Thursday.

Penny Mordaunt, the Leader of the Commons, said MPs on all sides of the House supported Mr Jenrick in his fight against the ownership of newspapers by governments. However, she stopped short of giving the Government’s backing to the amendment.

Mr Jenrick said: “If freedom of the press means anything it means the freedom to criticise and oppose and that freedom is in danger if we become the first democracy in the world to allow a foreign government to buy a national newspaper and media organisation.

“The noble Baroness Stowell has laid an amendment with cross-party support to the digital markets bill in the House of Lords which would prevent this happening.

“Will the Government be supporting or at least not opposing that amendment in the House of Lords?

“Were it to come to the Commons, I certainly would be supporting it and I would encourage all members to do the same because we must prize freedom of the press in this country, and this amendment is our opportunity to do so.”

Ms Mordaunt said: “I agree with my right honourable friend in what he says: having a free press and a competitive media sector is a vital part of our democracy.

“The Secretary of  State [Ms Frazer] has an obligation to intervene where there is a public interest to do so. There is a statutory judicial process - it wouldn’t be right for me to comment on that.

“But on the general point he raises he is absolutely right and whilst he was speaking there was audible support for the position he has outlined from across this chamber.”

‘Audible support for Jenrick

In a debate in the House of Lords on Wednesday evening, Lady Stowell said the proposed takeover “raises big questions about foreign policy, editorial independence and the relationship between an outlet’s owners and its coverage”.

“We need to have confidence in our media,” she said. “Having foreign governments own such a critical and significant part of our nation is not only unnecessary and troubling: if it were allowed to happen, it would completely undermine public confidence in our free press.”

She asked ministers to take the amendment seriously and urged them to meet her to discuss it before it is debated by peers on 11 March – the same day as Ofcom is due to deliver its report.

Also speaking in the House of Lords on Wednesday, Lord Forsyth, a former Cabinet minister, said that Britain should not become the first country in the world to allow a foreign government to buy a quality newspaper.

He said the UAE was “totally unsuitable” to own a newspaper and that a free press was Britain’s “jewel in the crown”.

Lord Forsyth, a former Scottish Secretary, spoke as he made a “regret motion” that a ban on ownership of newspapers by foreign governments was not part of the media bill.

Addressing the takeover, he said: “That doesn’t strike me as an investment opportunity; that strikes me as being an influence opportunity. And that is what is behind, I believe, the acquisition of the Daily Telegraph, and that is why a substantial premium is being offered.”

Mr Neil called in January for the Government to block the takeover, saying that The Spectator had been “hung out to dry”.
“My main concern is that the people bankrolling this are the UAE, United Arab Emirates,” he told BBC Newsnight.

“They’re a government, and the idea that a government should own newspapers and magazines in Britain, I think is absurd.
“But they’re not just a government, they’re an undemocratic government. They’re a dictatorship.”

Asked if he believed there were topics that Spectator journalists would not be able to write about under RedBird IMI’s ownership, he said: “Well I don’t know, because I won’t be there. If RedBird takes it over, then I will be gone.”

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