Frantic parents run into police station with choking baby. Watch what cop did next

A quick-thinking Australian police sergeant is being credited with saving a choking baby in the police station’s lobby, and it was all caught on surveillance video.

The incident happened around 11:30 p.m. on Christmas Eve and began when a frantic couple came running into the lobby of Perth’s Northbridge Police Station, telling anyone who’d listen that their baby could not breathe.

An officer is seen running from behind the desk. He grabs the baby from the father’s arms and begins administering life-saving measures to force a biscuit out of the baby’s throat.

Video shows it took him just 15 seconds to save the child.

The Western Australian Police Force posted the 2-minute video on Facebook, and it has since been viewed 165,000 times.

New Corp Australia says the child was 8 months old, and the outlet identified the officer as Acting Sergeant Jason Lee.

“The baby was quite limp. The eyes were barely open and the lips were blue, and I just took the baby off them and I knew what to do,” Lee told 7News Sunrise, noting he took a first aid refresher course just three weeks ago.

“I did the five strikes to the back and dislodged the biscuit that was in her mouth,” he told 7News.