France set to allow terminally ill people to end their lives at home

Emmanuel Macron said the goal of the bill was to 'reconcile an individual's autonomy with the nation's solidarity'
Emmanuel Macron said the goal of the bill was to 'reconcile an individual's autonomy with the nation's solidarity'
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Emmanuel Macron will present a new “aid in dying” bill that will allow terminally ill people to end their lives at home using lethal medication.

The move towards legalising euthanasia follows a long consultation with a committee of French citizens on “active assistance to dying” and studies showing that most French citizens support such end-of-life options.

However, it has sparked ire among religious leaders in the traditionally Catholic country, along with many health workers.

Only adults with full control of their judgement, suffering an incurable and life-threatening illness in the short to medium term and whose pain cannot be relieved will be able to “ask to be helped to die”, Mr Macron told the La Croix and Liberation newspapers.

The change is necessary “because there are situations you cannot humanely accept”, said Mr Macron. The goal was “to reconcile an individual’s autonomy with the nation’s solidarity”.

Mr Macron said: “With this bill, we are facing up to death.”

Last week, the president, oversaw the inscribing of the right to abortion in France’s Constitution. It became the first country in the world to do so.

The controversial “aid in dying” bill will be debated in parliament starting May 27, just two weeks before European Parliament elections, but is unlikely to be enacted until next year.

Detailing the law, Mr Macron said minors and patients suffering psychiatric or neurodegenerative conditions such as Alzheimer’s would not be eligible.

Patients who seek to enter the process will need to reconfirm their choice after 48 hours and they should then receive an answer from a medical team within two weeks maximum, said Mr Macron. A doctor will then deliver a prescription, valid for three months, for the lethal medication.

People will be able to take the medication at home, at a nursing home or health care facility, said the president.
If their physical condition does not allow them to do it alone, they will be allowed to get help from someone of their choice or by a doctor or a nurse.

Mr Macron said that if medical professionals rejected the request, the patient could consult another medical team or appeal.

He added that he wanted to avoid the terms assisted suicide or euthanasia because the patient’s consent is essential, with a role for medical opinion and “precise criteria”.

Several groups representing nurses and palliative care workers under the banner “End of Life Collective” said they were “dismayed” and “saddened” by Mr Macron’s announcement.

“With great violence, the president announces a system that is far removed from the needs of patients and the day-to-day realities of carers, with the prospect of serious consequences for the care relationship,” they said in a press release.

For them, “dying with dignity is a legitimate request, but it is precisely the mission of palliative care, which is notoriously under-resourced” in France.

In short, this announcement is proposing to “do away with the sick to do away with the problem at the lowest possible cost”, which “runs counter to the values of care and non-abandonment that underpin our French model of support at the end of life”, they added.

Representatives of the Catholic Church were equally unhappy.

Eric de Moulins-Beaufort, the president of the French Bishops’ Conference, told La Croix: “Such a law will steer our entire healthcare system towards death as a solution.”

Matthieu Rougé, the bishop of Nanterre, said he was outraged that a lethal injection would be “permitted not only at home but also in old people’s homes”.

He said: “What does that mean? That we’re going to massively open up the possibility [of] lethal acts in old people’s homes?

“What strikes me is that you get the impression that in the ‘start-up nation’, people who are not productive no longer have the right to be there.”

Until now, French patients in pain wishing to end their lives have had to travel abroad, including to neighbouring Belgium.

A 2005 law has legalised passive euthanasia, such as withholding artificial life support, as a “right to die”. A 2016 law allows doctors to couple this with “deep and continuous sedation” for terminally ill patients in pain.

But active euthanasia, whereby doctors administer lethal doses of drugs to patients suffering from an incurable condition, is illegal.

Assisted suicide – whereby patients can receive help to voluntarily take their own life – is also currently banned.

On Monday, the French Right and hard Right slammed Mr Macron’s announcement as a “diversion” from a president “taking refuge in social issues” in the run-up to European elections.

François-Xavier Bellamy, the head of the Republicans’ list for the June 9 vote, said: “No one is fooled by the timing.”

Mr Macron “no longer has a grip on anything” and “has decided to take refuge in social issues because that is perhaps the last place where he can make news”, he added, without taking a position on the “infinitely complex debate” on the end of life.

Laurent Jacobelli, the spokesman for Marine Le Pen’s National Rally party, said: “The president of the republic is creating a bit of a diversion by proposing societal debates.”

“The concerns of the French are purchasing power, security and immigration”, areas in which “the president and the government have failed,” he insisted.

However, Sylvain Maillard, the parliamentary leader of Mr Macron’s Renaissance group, insisted that “this is not a political issue” but an “intimate issue” that “transcends political movements”. For this reason, “there will be freedom of vote” within his group, he said.

Ellie Ball, of Dignity in Dying, which campaigns for a change in UK law to “allow assisted dying as a choice for terminally ill, mentally competent adults” said that France was “just the latest in a series of countries in Europe that have taken the step”.

Mr Macron’s move underlined just how far “Westminster is lagging behind”, she told The Telegraph, adding: “There are similarly high levels of support [in the UK] as in all these countries, so it’s a matter of MPs catching up with public opinion.”

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