Framingham veteran says honor Memorial Day by recalling those who made ultimate sacrifice

To the Editor:

Another Memorial Day. A day to pause, reflect and remember.

All gave some; some gave all. Those multitudes of men and women throughout the decades who preserved our way of life, our freedom, and who lived those words of their Creator:

"This is my commandment: Love one another as I love you. No one has greater love than this, to lay down one's life for one's friends" John 15:12-13

All who were killed did just that for us.

I was 13 years old. It was 1946. I remember two veterans. They had a conversation with my older brother, John. They were Frank and Ralph, each returning to civilian life after flying on bombing missions over Nazi Germany (1943-44). They talked about hours of bitter cold. Flying 5 miles high in close formation, being shot at by German fighters and German ground fire.

Frank was wounded and lost an arm during his last mission. The average number of missions accomplished totaled four before your plane was shot down. Then you were either killed, wounded or taken prisoner.

Memorial Day. Take a moment to remember all of those who laid down their lives for us, their friends. Amen.

Nick Paganella


Editor's note: Nick Paganella served in the Massachusetts National Guard and the 7th Infantry Division of the Army in Korea. He is a member of the Framingham Veterans Council.

This article originally appeared on MetroWest Daily News: Korean War veteran urges residents to remember Memorial Day sacrifices