Former Florida Senator Bob Graham predicts narrow Clinton victory

It’s not all that surprising that former Democratic Senator from Florida Bob Graham (1987-2004) thinks Hillary Clinton’s path to presidential victory will include a narrow win in his home state.

Of course, choosing the next inhabitant of the White House is not the only vote being cast on November 8. There are 34 Senate seats up for grabs, plus all 435 in the House. When the new Congress convenes in January, Graham thinks his party will take control of the Senate. “It’s likely that the Senate will be Democratic—maybe split 50/50 with the VP casting the deciding vote on a number of issues. The House will still be Republican, narrowly Republican.”

Graham, the former chair of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, hopes that a second Clinton in the White House combined with that Congressional make-up will lead to less acrimony and more compromise on Capitol Hill, helping to “actually start to solve some of the unsolved issues,” he told Yahoo Finance.

Chief among those issues is one that has been pivotal this election cycle: economic policy.

“People feel that the tax policies, the trade policies, have all been written to benefit the haves,” Graham said. “And the have-nots have stagnated for the last couple of decades in terms of real increases in their income.”

But the battle for progress, he said, won’t end at the voting booth. Graham, who is the co-author of a new edition of the book “America: The Owner’s Manual,” notes that regular citizens need to be “pounding on the doors of their members of Congress and White House to get something done.”