Former Broncos star believes marijuana is “safer way”

Former Denver Broncos star quarterback Jake Plummer enjoyed a brief run of success with the team, leading them all the way to the 2006 AFC Championship. He retired early, however, and the Broncos spent years finding a capable number one, until Peyton Manning came over in 2012.

Plummer has since stayed out of the spotlight when he retired in 2007, but what he said about marijuana being able to treat injuries is bound to spark major debate and headlines, given how the drug’s been widely debated for years about legalization or a lack thereof.

Via Sports Illustrated on Monday Morning Quarterback, Plummer had the following to say about marijuana being able to help players deal with injuries:

“I became depressed. I moved to Colorado between surgeries, got a medical marijuana card and started using THC, the active ingredient in marijuana, for the pain. Years later, I was introduced to Charlotte’s Web, a hemp extract high in cannabidiol (more commonly known as CBD, a non-toxic, non-addictive, non-psychoactive naturally occurring compound in cannabis).

With the right amounts of CBD, which contains trace amounts of THC, I feel virtually pain free. The inflammation in my joints that stiffened up in the cold winter months was gone. The random headaches that would throb behind my eyes to the beat of my heart? Gone. I still eat gluten and sugar, I still enjoy a cold brew or two. The only thing different? CBD.”

This stemmed from Plummer needing surgery on both of his hip joints while also needing his two labrums reattached. He even admitted that he asked himself why he played football, because the pain “sucked.” The state of Colorado officially legalized marijuana on Nov. 6, 2012, and Plummer obviously took advantage of that.


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Obviously, Plummer faces a dilemma if he’s trying to help. The NFL has a strict policy where players are suspended if marijuana is found in their system. Only Alaska Colorado Oregon are states who legalized it, though Washington has as well.

Plummer’s take on marijuana, and his story about how it healed all of his pain, is surely going to spark more debate in not only the NFL, but all across the country when it comes to discussing the legalization of marijuana.

“Today’s players take better care of their bodies and want a healthier option. The time is now; we can’t wait until another hero makes headlines by endangering themselves or others,” Plummer said. “We can’t wait to find a way to test for CTE until after another former player is dead. The fact remains that football takes a toll on the body and brain. What if Cannabis can help reverse or lessen those effects?”

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