Forkert is Grand Champion of science fair

May 17—GREENSBURG — Greensburg Community High School completed its science fair this week. This is a way for students to conduct experiments, present projects and explore their interests in the field of science. The winners for 2024 have been announced.

Senior Shelby Forkert was the Overall Grand Champion. Forkert's presentation dealt with medication dilution variations. She studied the speed at which various painkillers were digested in a person's stomach.

The following is a list of the category winners at this year's fair.

Physical Science

Adrianna Litmer- Seeback Effect — Harnessing Heat for Electric Power

Wyatt Clifford and Cooper Williams — Efficacies of Various Elastics

Kayla Tamm — Fastest Cooling Method to 37 Degrees

Life Science

Macy Bultman — Efficacies of Solar Protection for UV-Sensitive Yeast

Eva Bower and Ava Wilmer — Cellular Usage Impact on Reaction Time

Anne Pumphrey — Auditory Impact on Memory Retention

Environmental Science

Shelby Forkert — Medication Dissolution Variations

Christopher Mains — Heat Treatment on Steel Hardness

Marissa Powers — Drinking Water and Human Body pH Balance

Overall Grand Champion

Shelby Forkert

Honorable Mention

Savannah Danforth and Tiffani Gramman — Hand Bacteria and Mold Growth

Elaina Weber — Testing Lead Levels in Common Drinking Devices

Tam Ngo — Common Beverage Affect on Tooth Enamel and Appearance

Allyson Foster — Bacterial Growth in High Traffic Areas

Abigail Sebastian — Zophobas Caloric Intake and Cannibalism

Organizers of the event thanked First Federal Savings and Loan for a generous donation used for prizes for the winners. Special thanks also went to Jim Saler and Melissa Wade for their generous continued financial support, Steven Webster and Dennis Spears for judging the projects and Doug Watson for all the technical requirements of this year.

Contact Aaron Kirchoff at