Football club seriously regrets posting a job opening on Twitter

LONDON — If you post a job opportunity to Twitter, you'd best be very, very cautious with your listing.

Or, as Altrincham FC discovered, you risk being trolled mercilessly by your followers. 

SEE ALSO: These football fans' epic Twitter thread takes the piss out of rival team

The semi-professional club based out of the Manchester, UK area is evidently looking to fill a manager role. 

However, it appears that the organisation has found it necessary to specify that experience playing either the Football Manager or Championship Manager video games will not be sufficient. 

An understandable requirement, but nonetheless a devastating one.

Some fans were crushed. 

Some people had follow-up questions. 

Others were undaunted.

And some people just openly trolled the club. 

Yikes... no publicity is bad publicity? If that's true, at least they'll have that role filled in no time.

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