UPDATE: Flood warning issued for Dallas County until early Tuesday, says the NWS

An updated flood warning was issued by the NWS Fort Worth TX on Sunday at 6:56 p.m. in effect until Tuesday at 12:24 a.m.

Minor flooding is occurring and minor flooding is forecast for Trinity River at Dallas until early Tuesday morning.

"At 32.0 feet, Minor flooding of agricultural lands used for cattle grazing will occur. Low water crossings near the river will begin to flood," explains the NWS.

This warning is in effect until Tuesday at 12:24 a.m.

Protect yourself during a flood with these tips from the NWS

In case you reside within a flood-prone area or are currently camping in a low-lying zone, it is crucial to promptly seek higher ground. If told to evacuate, do so immediately. Ensure your home is securely locked when vacating the premises. If time permits, disconnect utilities and appliances. Avoid entering basements or rooms with submerged electrical outlets or cords. Should you observe sparks or hear buzzing, crackling, snapping, or popping sounds, evacuate immediately. Refrain from entering water that might carry an electric current and avoid walking through floodwaters. Remember, as little as 6 inches of moving water can knock you off your feet. If trapped by moving water, seek the highest possible point and contact emergency services by calling 911.

During periods of intense rainfall, the risk of flooding increases, particularly in low-lying and flood-prone areas. It is imperative to avoid driving through any water on the road, even if it seems shallow. According to the NWS, most cars can be swept away by just 12 inches of rushing water.

Rainy weather driving tips

• Turn on your headlights — Even when it's light outside, using headlights can improve visibility and alert other drivers to your presence.

• While driving — Stick to the middle lanes and stay on elevated ground. Rainwater tends to accumulate at the road edges.

• Steer clear of puddles — Driving into puddles or low areas of rainwater can cause vehicles to hydroplane or skid out of control.

• Do not follow large vehicles closely — Large vehicles like trucks or buses can create a spray of water that can reduce your visibility.

• Avoid flooded zones — If you encounter a flooded road, make a U-turn and go back. The powerful currents of flash floods can carry drivers off the road. Driving through deep water can also damage a vehicle's mechanical and electrical systems.

What is hydroplaning?

Hydroplaning happens when a vehicle starts sliding uncontrollably on wet roads.

This happens when water in front of the tire builds up faster than the vehicle’s weight can push water out of the way. The water pressure then causes the vehicle to rise and slide on a thin layer of water between the tires and the road, making the driver lose control. Hydroplaning is most commonly attributed to three factors:

1. Vehicle speed — When a vehicle’s speed increases, the tire-traction grip and ability to control the vehicle decreases. Drive at a reduced speed during wet weather.

2. Water depth — The deeper the water, the sooner a vehicle loses traction on the road. It doesn’t matter how deep the water is, even a thin layer can lead to hydroplaning.

3. Tire tread depth — Checking your tire tread before hitting the road is important, as low or no tread can lead to sliding.

In the event of your vehicle hydroplaning, here’s what to know:

• Ease off the accelerator — Step off the gas to slow down the vehicle until the tires find traction.

• Turn into the skid — Turning into the skid can help the vehicle’s tires realign to regain control.

• Make sure the tires reconnect with the road — During the skid, wait until the tires reconnect with the road and then gently straighten the wheels to regain control.

• Brake gently as needed — Brake normally if the vehicle has anti-lock brakes and pump brakes gently if in an older vehicle.

Source: The National Weather Service