The five most common male midlife cancers – and the warning signs to look out for

male cancer warning signs symptoms health 2021 uk - Science Photo Library
male cancer warning signs symptoms health 2021 uk - Science Photo Library

Cancer is always waiting in the wings, it seems. Researchers believe that there will be 176,000 cancer deaths in the UK by the end of 2021 - among those who have passed away are comedian Sean Lock, who died from lung cancer at the age of 58, and Brian Travers, one of the founding members of UB40, who died from brain cancer aged just 62.

Midlife isn’t just the age when aches and pains catch up with you; it’s also the time when your chances of being diagnosed with cancer increase significantly. I certainly think about it a little too often as my own father died of neck cancer, aged just 60.

But while genetics play a part in your likelihood of getting cancer – prostate cancer, for example, is thought to run in families – the incidence of most cancer types will increase with age, as Alice Davies from Cancer Research UK explains. “In general, cancer is much more common in older people,” she says. “This is because the DNA in our cells can get damaged and, over time, this damage builds up and can sometimes lead to cancer.

“Although cancer can develop at any age, only 1 in 10 cancers are diagnosed in people under 50 and half of all cancers are in people over 70. But getting older doesn’t necessarily mean you will get cancer. And there’s lots you can do to reduce your risk, like keeping a healthy weight, stopping smoking, staying safe in the sun and so on.”

The good news is that 40 per cent of all cancers are preventable and survival rates continue to improve. In the 1970s, for example, just one in four people survived their disease for 10 years or more. Today, that figure is closer to 50 per cent.

But for men in midlife (50-74 years), there are certain cancers that will occur more frequently.

Lung cancer

One of the most common cancers across all age groups, lung cancer also represents 13 per cent of all cancers found in men aged 50-74. Conservative MP James Brokenshire was diagnosed in 2017, aged 53, but this year he announced his lung cancer has “progressed” and that he had started further treatment.

In contrast with other cancers, and thanks largely to the decline in smoking, lung cancer rates have barely increased in the past decade and in men they have actually fallen by 11 per cent. That said, it’s still the most common cause of cancer death across all ages of men in the UK, with around 18,600 deaths each year.

While smoking rates have fallen, 72 per cent of lung cancer cases in the UK are caused by it, along with air pollution and workplace exposure. Smoking cannabis has also been linked to a higher risk of lung cancer. Typically, the likelihood of developing it rises steeply from the age of 45, peaking for men between the ages of 85 and 89.

Symptoms include respiratory problems, ranging from recurring chest infections and breathlessness to persistent coughs you just can’t shake, and coughing up blood. Other less obvious symptoms include difficulty swallowing, a swollen neck and a loss of appetite.

Prostate cancer

Since the 1990s, the incidence of prostate cancer in men has increased by 41 per cent. One in eight men in the UK will be diagnosed with prostate cancer during their lifetime.

Certain men are more predisposed to prostate cancer. While it mainly affects those aged 50 and over, you’re two and a half times more likely to get it if your father or brother had it, and the chance of getting it increases further if they were diagnosed before 60. Prostate cancer is also most common in black men, followed by white men and Asian men. “Prostate cancer is the most common cancer in males, partly because we’re getting better at diagnosing it,” says Davies.

Common symptoms include needing to pee more frequently than normal and having to go during the night more. You might also find it’s more difficult to go or that you’re taking longer than normal. The key sign, however, is blood in your urine. If that happens, see your doctor as soon as possible.

Bowel cancer

This is the fourth most common cancer in the UK (with some 42,000 cases each year), affecting over-50s and men in particular. The good news is that it’s in retreat. In the past decade, rates among men have fallen by six per cent.

Diet and lifestyle are key. Over a quarter of all cases are caused by eating too little fibre, while 13 per cent are the result of eating too much processed meat. Smoking and alcohol also play a smaller but significant part, as does exercise. A sedentary lifestyle is responsible for five per cent of all cases, while 11 per cent are the result of being overweight or obese.

If you notice any significant change in the consistency of your poo, or blood in it, see your GP. Similarly, rectal bleeding, coupled with abdominal pain, is also a sign things aren’t right. You may also feel unusually tired.

Head and neck cancer

This is the catch-all term for a wide range of cancers, including mouth, throat, tonsil, tongue and laryngeal cancer, with the most common being mouth cancer. There are around 12,200 cases diagnosed in the UK each year, with around 8,500 of them being men.

Where you live and what you do for a living can have a huge impact on your chances of getting head and neck cancer, with research showing the incidence levels of men living in the most deprived areas being 101 per cent higher than those in the least deprived regions. Diet can be crucial, as a lack of sufficient fruit and vegetables has been linked to around 56 per cent of oral cancer cases and 45 per cent of laryngeal cancer cases in the UK.

Typically, persistent sore throats and a hoarseness or change in voice may indicate something untoward, while any lump or bump in the head or neck area warrants a trip to the GP. Even something like lasting bad breath might be a cause for concern, especially if you’re on top of your oral hygiene. By far the most common symptom, however, is a sore or mouth ulcer that doesn’t heal.

Kidney cancer

Around 36 cases of kidney cancer are diagnosed in the UK every day, with rates rising by 87 per cent since the early 1990s and the cases involving men rising by 75 per cent. However, kidney cancer survival is now reaching record levels and has increased from 23 per cent to 50 per cent in the past 40 years.

There is a hereditary link with kidney cancer, with data showing you’re twice as likely to get it if your parent, sibling or child has it. Those with pre-existing kidney disease undergoing dialysis also have an increased risk of developing cysts on their kidneys that can lead to kidney cancer. High blood pressure, meanwhile, has been shown to increase the likelihood, as does being overweight or obese. Indeed, it’s estimated that obesity causes 24 out of every 100 cases. Smokers are also more vulnerable, but if you quit, your risk falls dramatically.

Kidney cancer is usually picked up when doctors are investigating another complaint, and most people diagnosed with it do not have any visible symptoms. Those that do, however, might find blood in their urine and experience lower back pain on one side. Other symptoms include loss of appetite, sudden weight loss and inexplicable fatigue.

For more information and support, go to Cancer Research UK