Five British people diagnosed with coronavirus in French ski resort

The Contamines-Montjoie resort in the French Alps
The Contamines-Montjoie resort in the French Alps

10:25 PM

Hungarian police make arrests over 'fake news' coronavirus websites

Hungarian police said on Saturday they had uncovered a network of "fake news" websites that reported alleged coronavirus-related deaths in Hungary, which is so far free of reported infections from the deadly virus.

A man and woman are suspected of "operating dozens of fake news portals and linked Facebook pages" claiming that several people have been infected and died from coronavirus, said a statement on the police website.

The sites, whose articles carried sensational headlines, were aimed at increasing traffic and boosting advertisement revenue, said the police.

"A 37-year-old Hungarian woman has collapsed and died in Budapest, probably from coronavirus," read a headline from one of the sites displayed by the police.

Computer equipment was seized at several locations during raids on Friday, said the statement.

09:25 PM

Flight from Wuhan will land at RAF Brize Norton in Sunday morning

More details on the second and final Foreign Office evacuation flight from Wuhan.

It will touch down RAF Brize Norton in Oxfordshire at around 5.30am on Sunday.

South Central Ambulance Service said Kents Hill Park, a conference centre and hotel, will be used to house the returnees and they will remain there in isolation for 14 days.

The ambulance service said the presence of the group in Milton Keynes does not present a risk to local people.

Everyone boarding the plane in Wuhan will be assessed and will continue to be monitored after landing in the UK.

Anyone displaying symptoms would not have been permitted to board the plane.

If any develops symptoms on the flight they will be taken to a separate cabin on the plane, and those who display symptoms on landing will be transferred to an NHS hospital.

The first group of Britons who returned on a flight last month are continuing their quarantine at Arrowe Park Hospital, Merseyside.

08:29 PM

Flight takes off from Wuhan for UK with 200 on board

A chartered aircraft carrying more than 200 passengers has left Wuhan for the UK.

A Foreign Office spokesman said : "Our final flight from Wuhan took off at 03.20AM (local time) with over 200 passengers on board, including our staff who have facilitated the flight and medics.

"Alongside British nationals, there are other nationalities on board."

07:23 PM

Some scenes from Wuhan

06:32 PM

Hong Kong residents take it upon themselves to screen Chinese mainlanders

Anti-China protest movement meets coronavirus at makeshift health checkpoints, Sophia Yan and Aidan Marzo report:

The queue of passengers from mainland China shuffled through a makeshift health checkpoint in Hong Kong, pausing to have their temperatures read with an infrared thermometer and catching a squirt of sanitizer in their hands.

Here in Tin Shui Wai, a neighbourhood that hugs the mainland border, residents have set up their own screening stands as fears grow that the novel coronavirus outbreak will spread further into Hong Kong, where 26 cases have already been confirmed. Anyone found with a fever – a sign of potential infection – are referred to the authorities for treatment.

Globally, 34,000 people have fallen ill with the virus and more than 700 people have died. Hong Kong is at particular risk given its high density and a porous 23-mile border that hugs China’s Guangdong province, the second hardest-hit after Hubei province, the epicentre of the outbreak.

“We need to do this, because this is our Tin Shui Wai, and we don’t want anyone here being infected by the virus,” said Smiley, a university student and health check volunteer, from behind a protective face mask and lab glasses.

Hong Kong chief executive Carrie Lam has resisted calls from the public and health workers to fully seal the border – most crossings have been shut, though three remain open.

Read the full story.

Dressed in protective clothing, a Tuen Mun volunteer conducts a temperature check on bus passengers who have just arrived in Hong Kong from Shenzhen -  Aidan Marzo
Dressed in protective clothing, a Tuen Mun volunteer conducts a temperature check on bus passengers who have just arrived in Hong Kong from Shenzhen - Aidan Marzo

06:01 PM

WHO stresses importance of 'facts not fear'

World Health Organisation director general Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus began today's daily coronavirus press briefing to talk about the Ebola outbreak that has been raging in the Democratic Republic of Congo since August 2018, Anne Gulland reports.

There have been just three cases of the disease this month and he expressed his hope that the outbreak would be brought under control soon. He said that WHO was dealing with 216 ongoing crises around the world.

Other information of note from the press conference:

  • Dr Tedros condemned the myths that were spreading about the virus and stressed the importance of "facts not fear". "People must have access to the correct information to protect themselves and each other while the virus spreads. Misinformation makes the job of heroic health workers even harder." Mouthwash, antibiotics and garlic have been touted as cures for the coronavirus - but do any work?

  • Dr Tedros said that the novel coronavirus, known as 2019-nCoV, would be given a proper name soon but could not be any more specific.

  • Dr Mike Ryan, executive director of WHO's emergencies programme, talked about the discussions WHO is having with authorities about ensuring passengers on quarantined cruise ships are not detained unnecessarily. More than 60 passengers have tested positive for the coronavirus on the Diamond Princess cruise ship moored off the coast of Japan. Dr Ryan said that passengers were being broken down into groups to determine their level of contact with the infected passengers and whether they need to remain in quarantine. "By breaking them down into smaller numbers of people you can allow some people to pass through the incubation period. The Caribbean health authorities have great experience of dealing with [outbreaks on cruise ships] and we have been speaking to them," he said.

  • WHO officials were asked whether anyone from Taiwan would be attending next week's meeting of experts discussing research and innovation in relation to the outbreak. Taiwan has been excluded from WHO's annual summit for more than three years, risking a global health emergency, Taiwanese officials say. They believe the exclusion is a sop to Beijing which does not recognise Taiwan as an independent state. Dr Ryan insisted that several Taiwanese experts would be participating in the meeting. You can read more about the row here.

  • Dr Tedros said that the number of new cases of the disease was stabilising. "The trend is not accelerating - it's very difficult to give details but there's been no significant increase. If you take it day by day, the centrepiece is Hubei province [in China] but even in Hubei we have seen some stabilisation over the last four days." He said the epicurve can suddenly shoot up, especially if "super-spreaders" emerge. These are people with high viral loads who can go on to infect many others. Dr Tedros added that the quarantine and other control efforts in Hubei may be finally paying off. "The global spread [of the virus] is slow now but it may accelerate. There is now a window of opportunity and we should use that to control the virus," he said.

05:28 PM

Odion Ighalo misses Manchester United winter training camp over coronavirus fears

Odion Ighalo will play no part in Manchester United’s winter training camp in Marbella amid fears he would not be allowed back into the United Kingdom, James Ducker reports:

In a setback for United manager Ole Gunnar Solskjaer and Ighalo’s hopes of hitting the ground running at Old Trafford, the Nigeria striker did not travel to Spain on Saturday with his new team-mates for the six-day camp.

United are worried that, should UK immigration opt to tighten border controls on travellers who have been in China within the past 14 days following the outbreak of the deadly coronavirus, Ighalo could be barred from re-entering if he was to leave the country.

Ighalo, 30, only arrived in Manchester last Sunday following his dramatic deadline-day loan move from Chinese Super League club, Shanghai Shenhua.

United are not due to return from Marbella until late on Friday - which would still be less than a fortnight since Ighalo was last in China.

Read the full article.

04:34 PM

Total confirmed cases

04:30 PM

How to survive a coronavirus quarantine: no walks, no wine and lots of TV

A British primary school teacher who has returned home from Beijing to escape the coronavirus sweeping China has imposed a 14-day period of quarantine on herself and her parents to ensure they do not endanger others, Anne Gulland reports:

Holly Ashby, who has been working in an international school in the Chinese capital since September, decided to come back to the UK after British Airways suspended all flights to China at the end of January.

She had already spent a week alone in her Beijing apartment and made the decision to return to her parents’ home in Wiltshire because she feared being stuck in China.

“One of the reasons I took so long to decide to come home was because I thought it was safer in China and that it was a risk to go on the flight,” she says.

Holly spoke to the Telegraph as the latest figures show that nearly 35,000 people have been infected with the disease and 725 have died. Seven Britons have now got the virus, including five who were diagnosed at a French ski resort.

Read the full article.

Holly Ashby
Holly Ashby

03:40 PM

Singapore's PM calls for calm amid panic buying

Singapore's prime minister is urging citizens to stay calm following a wave of panic buying that emptied many supermarket shelves of essential goods after the government raised the risk alert level over a new virus, Associated Press reports.

Pictures on social media showed people flocking to buy toilet paper, canned food and instant noodles from supermarkets.

In a video posted on social media Saturday, Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong said there was no need to panic because there are ample supplies and "we are not locking down the city or confining everybody to stay at home."

He said Singapore last raised the health alert to orange in 2009 during the H1N1 swine flu outbreak, and did so again now to step up precautionary measures. He said the city is much better prepared now after dealing with the SARS epidemic in 2003 that killed 33 people in the city-state.

Lee asked citizens to have courage, warning that "fear can do more harm than the virus." He said the "real test is to our social cohesion and psychological resilience."

Hours after Lee's message, officials confirmed seven new local cases, including two more citizens who attended a company conference at the Grand Hyatt last month. The meeting was attended by delegates from China. Several participants from Malaysia, South Korea and Britain have also diagnosed with the virus. There are now 40 confirmed cases in the city-state.

02:35 PM

Meet the team smashing down doors to rescue Wuhan's abandoned pets

Some 2,000 household pets were left starving to death by residents trapped away from home by coronavirus lockdown, Nicola Smith and Yiyin Zhong report:

Lao Mao – known to his friends as “Old Cat” – has emerged as an unlikely hero of the public health emergency in Wuhan, the Chinese city that has is now the epicentre of the raging coronavirus outbreak.

The 43-year-old has scaled up rusty pipes and broken windows to gain access to people’s homes, but all in a good cause. Lao Mao and his six-strong animal rescue squad have saved at least 2,000 household pets from starvation after their quarantined owners were unable to reach them.

Lao Mao, a vet whose real name is Shuai Lihua and who runs the online pet community Wuhan Pet Life, believes some 20,000 animals were left at home without care when a tight quarantine was suddenly imposed on Wuhan, a city of 11 million, on January 23.

Read the full story.

A rescue squad led by a man called "Old Cat" is saving pets whose owners cannot return home  - Wuhan Pet Life Online
A rescue squad led by a man called "Old Cat" is saving pets whose owners cannot return home - Wuhan Pet Life Online

02:31 PM

France toughens travel advice to China

France's foreign office has issued new travel advice for its citizens due to the coronavirus outbreak, saying it did not recommend travelling to China unless there was an "imperative" reason to go.

Until now it had formally discouraged travel to Wuhan, where the virus originated from, and recommended travellers to the rest of China be vigilant and consider putting off trips.

02:22 PM

France to close two schools near ski resort after coronavirus cases

Two schools near a French ski resort where five Britons have been diagnosed with the new coronavirus will be shut next week as authorities try to determine with whom those infected had been in contact, a regional health official said, Reuters reports.

Eleven Britons, including the five who tested positive for the virus, are being examined in local hospitals.

The group of 11 includes a nine-year-old child who recently spent time in a school in Contamines - a mountain village of which he was a also resident - as well as in another establishment where he attended French lessons, regional health official Jean-Yves Grall told a televised news conference.

There were three children in all among the group of 11, and one has contracted the virus, Grall said. It was not immediately clear whether the nine-year-old in question had tested positive.

The Contamines-Montjoie ski resort
The Contamines-Montjoie ski resort

01:16 PM

'The secret to beating coronavirus is in our hands'

At some point, we all start to wonder whether or how we ought to be doing something to avoid this thing, Juliet Samuel writes:

It was this thought, as much as any journalistic impulse, that took me along to a briefing on the virus held by Chatham House with David Heymann, the man who led the World Health Organisation’s response to the Sars outbreak, this week.

I began to take notes furiously – stymied only by a leaking pen that turned my fingers blue – before I realised that the bottom line was quite straightforward. They don’t know how fast it spreads, they don’t know exactly what can or can’t transmit it, they don’t know how deadly it is, they don’t know for sure how many people have it and they don’t know when they will know. They do know – or think they know – that it isn’t “aerosolised”, which is to say, it doesn’t spread by sneezing. This is good news, because sneeze droplets are apparently a very efficient way for a virus to get around.

As for my personal interest in precautions, I took on board four main points. Firstly, keep a couple of metres away from suspected cases. Secondly, face masks protect other people from you more than they protect you from the virus. Thirdly, surgical gloves do protect you, because we are most likely to pick up germs on our hands before transferring them to the face, where they get into mouths or eyes. Fourthly, on that note, wash your hands all the damn time and don’t, whatever you do, touch your face before washing. In fact, touch your face as little as possible.

“Fine,” I thought. “I can do that. Not touching my face? Simple.”

Before heading out, I popped into the ladies’ and caught sight of myself in the mirror. My face was streaked with blue ink.

“Well,” I thought. “That’s me done for.”

Read the full article.

A passenger wearing a mask walk outside Shanghai railway station
A passenger wearing a mask walk outside Shanghai railway station

12:37 PM

Two new confirmed cases on the cruise ship

There are two additional confirmed coronavirus cases on the cruise ship docked in the Japanese port of Yokohama.

A Princess Cruises spokesperson said:

Princess Cruises was notified of two additional confirmed cases of Coronavirus, from the original sample set, tested by the Japanese Ministry of Health on Diamond Princess. One is a U.S. citizen and one is a Chinese citizen and they have been disembarked from the ship for shoreside medical care at a local hospital.

We are very appreciative of the Japanese government for moving proactively to provide the ship additional medical professionals and 7,000 protective face masks. Those resources include 16 doctors plus 12 additional personnel which includes teams of nurses and clerks.

12:10 PM

Japanese man with suspected coronavirus dies in China

A Japanese man with a suspected coronavirus infection has died in hospital in the Chinese city of Wuhan, the Japanese foreign ministry has said.

The man in his 60s had been hospitalised due to severe pneumonia and the hospital reported his death to the Japanese embassy in China, the ministry said in a statement.

11:55 AM

Rare revolt in China

The death of a Chinese doctor who was punished for blowing the whistle on the coronavirus outbreak has triggered unprecedented public criticism of the Communist Party from inside China, Sophia Yan reports:

Li Wenliang, 34, was hailed a martyr amid growing dissent and anger over China's moves to cover up the early stages of the outbreak.

Censors were in overdrive to erase the internet backlash by blocking discussion topics like "the Wuhan government owes Doctor Li Wenliang an apology" and "we want free speech".

But citizens fought back, posting videos of the Les Miserables song, “Do You Hear the People Sing?” Others lamented the irony that China’s constitution ‘guarantees’ freedom of speech. In despair, one person wrote: “Is life always the cost of truth?”

The wave of social media postings are a rare expression of discontent against the ruling party. Xi Jinping, China's president, has quashed dissent for years, cracking down on lawyers, journalists, students, and businesspeople – an environment that netted whistleblowers like Mr Li.

Read the full story.

People attend a vigil to mourn for doctor Li Wenliang on February 7, 2020 in Hong Kong
People attend a vigil to mourn for doctor Li Wenliang on February 7, 2020 in Hong Kong

11:49 AM

Singapore link to new cases

France has now detected a total of 11 cases of coronavirus, and the new "cluster" is centred on a Briton who had returned from Singapore and stayed in Contamines-Montjoie, near Mont Blanc in the French Alps, Health Minister Agnes Buzyn said.

"They show no serious signs" of a life-threatening infection added Buzyn, herself a doctor.

The Briton at the centre of the new cases is now in Britain and was not counted among the French tally, she told a press conference.

10:55 AM

Demand for protective equipment soars

Demand for protective equipment such as face masks is up to 100 times higher than normal, and prices are around 20 times greater, the head of the World Health Organization has warned.

In a briefing to journalists Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, director general of the WHO, said that front line health workers must be first in the queue for masks and other protective equipment such as respirators, followed by those caring for loved ones who were sick.

He said: "The world is facing severe disruption in the market for personal protective equipment. Demand is up to 100 times higher than normal and prices aer up to 20 times higher. This situation has been exacerbated by widespread, inappropriate use of PPE outside patient care. As a result there are now depleted stockpiles and backlogs of four to six months."

Read more here about whether masks are useful for preventing the virus.

10:52 AM

Number of British victims rises to 7

The positive tests for coronavirus among British holidaymakers in France means there are now a total of seven British victims of the virus, which has so far killed at least 722 people.

British honeymooner Alan Steele, from Wolverhampton, was taken to hospital after he and dozens of other passengers tested positive on the Diamond Princess cruise ship, which is quarantined off Yokohama in Japan.

A middle-aged British man, believed to have been diagnosed in Brighton, is currently being treated at St Thomas' Hospital in London.

A University of York student and their relative, who stayed at a budget hotel in York, are among those who have tested positive for the virus in the UK, but no further details have been released on who they are or whether they are British.

08:51 AM

Milton Keynes quarantine site for Britons returning from coronavirus-hit city

Around 150 Britons being flown back from the coronavirus-hit city of Wuhan on Sunday will be quarantined at a facility in Milton Keynes.

South Central Ambulance Service said that Kents Hill Park, a conference centre and hotel, will be used to house the returning citizens after they land at RAF Brize Norton.

The individuals will remain at the site in isolation for 14 days, it added.

Everyone boarding the plane at the Chinese city, which is the epicentre of the outbreak, will be assessed and will continue to be monitored after landing in the UK on Sunday morning.

07:54 AM

Briton with coronavirus in 'good spirits'

A British honeymooner transferred from the cruise liner Diamond Princess to hospital in Japan with the coronavirus is said to be feeling well and in good spirits.

Alan Steele, from Wolverhampton, was moved to hospital on Friday while his wife Wendy remained on board the ship.

The liner has been isolated in the port of Yokohama, with 61 people having been taken to hospitals after testing positive for the virus.

Wendy Marshall Steele has been in telephone contact with her husband. She said on Saturday that he was still feeling healthy.

"Alan is well, Japanese doctors are excellent," she posted on Facebook.

"He is in a little room. Just Dr and nurse visit him."

Mrs Marshall Steele said she was also well but had "cabin fever" as she continued to be confined to her room on the ship, a status shared with nearly 3,700 other passengers and crew.

06:55 AM

More cruise ship passengers test positive

An ambulance transfers a coronavirus patient from the Diamond Princess cruise ship - The Asahi Shimbun

Julian Ryall, in Yokohama

Three more passengers aboard the cruise ship the Diamond Princess have tested positive for the coronavirus, Japanese health officials said Saturday morning, and were evacuated from the vessel before it put to sea later in the day.

The three passengers confirmed to have the virus are two US nationals and a Chinese and bring the total number of people who were aboard the ship who are infected to 64.

The three passengers were admitted to local hospitals. Forty-one passengers, including one Briton, identified as 58-year-old Alan Steel from Wolverhampton, tested positive for the virus on Friday and were taken off the ship.

Video clips posted on social media sites by passengers who are still aboard the Diamond Princess show people wearing masks and protective rubber gloves walking on the upper decks as the ship is under way at sea. It is understood that the vessel needed to return to sea to run its desalination equipment but it is expected to return to Yokohama again in the evening.

06:52 AM

British family in Majorca admitted to hospital

Four Brits have been admitted to hospital on the holiday island of Majorca after coming into contact with a coronavirus sufferer.

Local authorities say they are a couple and their two children.

The father has been quarantined at the island's main hospital Son Espases.

His wife and kids have also been admitted to the same hospital in the capital Palma after tests to see if they have the killer virus.

The admissions occurred after the unnamed dad, who lives in Majorca, went to the hospital on Thursday to inform medics he had been in contact with a person who had tested positive for the virus in France.

His wife and children were admitted after he was quarantined.

The results of tests on all four will be analysed at a lab in Madrid and not are expected to be back at the hospital until after the weekend.

None of the four Brits are said to be showing any signs of ill health.

06:25 AM

New cases in Thailand, Japanese man dies in China

  • Seven new coronavirus cases have been confirmed in Thailand, bringing the country’s total to 32

  • Thailand's public health ministry said the new patients included three Thais and four Chinese

  • Japan's foreign ministry says a Japanese man in his 60s who was suspected of having the virus died of pneumonia on Saturday in the Chinese city Wuhan - preliminary tests returned a positive result for the coronavirus on January 28, but the result had not been confirmed

05:44 AM

First foreign death

A US citizen has died in Wuhan from the new coronavirus, US officials reported on Saturday.

“We can confirm that a 60-year-old US citizen diagnosed with coronavirus died at Jinyintang hospital in Wuhan, China, on February 6," a US embassy spokesman confirmed.

The case is the first confirmed foreign death from the outbreak. The New York Times reports that the patient was a woman who had underlying health issues.

04:39 AM

Big shock for US couple on the Diamond Princess

A health official wearing protective gear works at Daikoku Pier as the Diamond Princess cruise ship remains quarantined - The Asahi Shimbun

Nicola Smith talks exclusively to US couple separated on cruise ship docked in the Japanese port of Yokohama.

Kent Frasure, 42, and his wife Rebecca, 35, are an American couple from Portland, Oregon, who have also been separated after Rebecca’s test results came back positive on Thursday, even though she only had a mild cough and slight fever.

“The worrying thing to me is that they have tested relatively few people on the ship,” said Mr Frasure. “The symptoms are still minor. They need to be doing more and testing more people.”

He added: “I need to be retested because I spent four days in the room with Rebecca after we were tested.”

The couple found out on Friday. “We just got a knock on the door and there was a bunch of people out there. They told us too that everyone they were talking to, the vast majority were surprised, they didn’t really have any symptoms,” he said.

Rebecca was told to be ready in one hour but was not escorted from the ship until six hours later.

“The big shock to us was that they said she would be there about three days so she only packed a small bag but then when she got to the hospital they said no you’re going to be here for 14 days. She is completely unprepared,” said Mr Frasure.

Physically his wife is fine but she is struggling to communicate with medical staff as nobody speaks English.

“She’s in a room by herself. There are not many amenities and it’s protected by a bubble so people have to zip in and out through an antechamber and all the people coming in have to talk through an electronic translator, and it’s been really tough,” he said.

Mr Frasure faces the next 10 days alone in his cabin without Rebecca. “It’s worrying and it’s day 4 and it’s going to be a long, long struggle,” he said.

03:43 AM

UK cruise ship passenger in isolation

Nicola Smith, Asia correspondent, has the latest on the honeymoon couple on the Diamond Princess cruise ship.

Alan Steele, 58, from Wolverhampton, who was on the cruise on honeymoon with his wife Wendy was one of 41 passengers who tested positive and were removed from the ship on Friday.

Overnight he posted an update on his condition on his Facebook page: “I am in a isolation room and have become there lab rat as doctor confused as I have no symptoms and tests all say I am healthy apart from having virus xxx,” he said.

Wendy Steele also posted her thanks for support from family, friends, and strangers who had offered to help the couple. “Why does it take a crisis for people to be kind to each other in this world. ? It was a hard first night without Alan. But hey .We are constantly in touch. Japanese doctors are excellent and he is in safe hands. Thank you all again. Xx,” she said.

03:24 AM

Hong Kong quarantine

Hong Kong began enforcing a mandatory two-week quarantine for anyone arriving from mainland China - AFP
  • Hong Kong began enforcing a two-week quarantine for anyone arriving from mainland China, under threat of both fines and jail terms.
  • Most people will be able to be quarantined at home or in hotels but they will face daily phone calls and spot checks.
  • The financial hub has 25 confirmed cases with one patient who died earlier this week.
  • The city has been on edge as the virus has revived memories of the SARS outbreak that killed 299 in the semi-autonomous city.

03:16 AM

Cruise line bans citizens of China

Royal Caribbean Cruises Ltd. passengers aboard the New Jersey-docked Anthem of the Seas were cleared to disembark after more than two dozen were screened for coronavirus - Bloomberg

Royal Caribbean Cruises Ltd. has barred passengers with Chinese, Hong Kong or Macau passports from boarding its ships this month, and will require extra screening for people who came in contact with someone who was in China in the past 15 days.

In addition, the company said anyone who feels unwell or demonstrates flu-like symptoms or shows up with a fever will be denied boarding.

Passengers on the company’s Anthem of the Seas, docked in New Jersey, were cleared to leave on Friday after more than two dozen were screened for coronavirus, the first such cruise scare on US shores. Four passengers, Chinese nationals, went to a local hospital and tests are pending, the company said. The ship has been cleared to depart.

02:13 AM

The world tackles coronavirus

Good morning, and welcome to our liveblog on coronavirus. As the disease continues to spread, we aim to bring you all the latest developments, not just in the UK but across the world. We will be reporting how the effects of the pandemic are being felt in the spheres of politics, business, travel, sport and elsewhere.