Fitness expert and Nike FuelBand developer joins Apple, likely to work on iWatch

Apple iWatch Jay Blahnik
Apple iWatch Jay Blahnik

Fitness expert Jay Blahnik, who consulted for Nike and was instrumental in the development of the company’s popular FuelBand, has joined Apple. Blahnik confirmed the move from his Twitter account last week, and the news was subsequently picked up by 9to5Mac. While the fitness guru’s role at Apple is unclear, the obvious assumption is that he joined the company to work on Apple’s upcoming “iWatch,” which will reportedly launch sometime next year. Apple reportedly has a team of more than 100 people working on the iWatch’s development, and Blahnik’s arrival would certainly suggest that fitness will be among the focuses of Apple’s upcoming entry into the emerging wearables market. Blahnik’s tweet has since been deleted, but a screenshot follows below.

[More from BGR: Apple iOS 7 beta 7 to be released today]


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