Fishing boat runs aground on tip of northern Newfoundland

A fishing boat has run aground in the community of St. Lunaire-Griquet on Newfoundland's Northern Peninsula. (Google Maps - image credit)
A fishing boat has run aground in the community of St. Lunaire-Griquet on Newfoundland's Northern Peninsula. (Google Maps - image credit)
A fishing boat has run aground in the community of St. Lunaire-Griquet on Newfoundland's Northern Peninsula.
A fishing boat has run aground in the community of St. Lunaire-Griquet on Newfoundland's Northern Peninsula.

A fishing boat has run aground in the community of St. Lunaire-Griquet on Newfoundland's Northern Peninsula. (Google Maps)

A fishing boat has run aground in the community of St. Lunaire-Griquet on Newfoundland's Northern Peninsula, CBC News has learned.

Mayor Dale Colbourne told CBC News Thursday evening the boat is a longliner crab vessel. She said the boat has likely been there since late Thursday morning, but she wasn't sure exactly when it struck land.

Colbourne said she spoke with the owner of the vessel, who told her the boat came too close to the shore and ran aground in the area of Alice Island. She said no injuries have been reported.

CBC News has also learned the boat has a load of fuel on board.

Colbourne said the Canadian Coast Guard has been engaged in the matter, and CBC News has contacted the Coast Guard for more information.

It's unknown if any fuel has spilled.

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