A ‘Firework Deathstar’ is as awesome as it sounds

Awesome: extremely impressive or daunting; inspiring great admiration, apprehension, or fear. It's a word that gets overused on the internet (probably by me), but I would argue that daisy-chaining 5000 fireworks together, jacking them up on a piece of heavy machinery and filming the result qualifies.

That's exactly what strange British YouTube man Colin Furze did to celebrate his channel hitting three million subscribers. Pointless, yes; awesome, absolutely.

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The rig was pretty simple: 58 giant boxes of fireworks, electrically wired together to go off at the same time. Each box had a bunch of smaller fireworks inside, which shot off in sequence over the course of 30 seconds or so.


The boxes were arrayed in a half-sphere for maximum effect. The end result is totally stunning, and also a little bit unsafe.

How unsafe? Well, take a look at this screenshot:


I'm not an OSHA inspector, but something about this scene seems not right to me.

Then again, we've got to bear in mind exactly how Mr Furze reached three million subscribers. It's been a wild ride, and not an entirely safe one. Highlights (for me, at least) have included building a mostly working hoverbike, a new way of cooking turkey using pressurized boiling water, a thermite launcher, and a jet bike.

On second thoughts, a marginally unsafe, completely gratuitous pyrotechnic display is the perfect celebration.

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This article was originally published on BGR.com