Filmmaker unknowingly captures stunning drone wedding photo

Looks like drone wedding photography is cool even when it's accidental.

Travel filmmaker Brandon Li was reviewing still photos from a drone session when he stumbled across an aerial shot that couldn't have been more perfect if it were intentional.

SEE ALSO: 17 high-tech ways to make your wedding day even more memorable

"[I have] no idea who [the people in the photo] are, but I assume they were practicing a pose for a wedding photograph or something," he told PetaPixel. "Or maybe they were just making lawn angels."

A photo posted by Brandon Li (@brandon_l_li) on Sep 27, 2016 at 8:19pm PDT

Li said that he'd originally been trying to shoot the sunset, but pointed the drone downward to send it home when it became low on battery. Good thing, too — that angle made the gorgeous aerial shot possible.

And the man sprawled out near the couple is certainly a nice touch.

Image: mashable composite/brandon li

Now, Li hopes to find the couple to show them the awesome shot. So far, he's found out the building in the photo is the J Residence Hotel in Hong Kong, but he's looking for more leads.

And when he does find them? This will definitely be one to add to the wedding album.

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